Ok, make the rules clear:
1)You must not previously know the girl
2)Aprt from rule 1, anything goes.
Rules you out Allan
Yahoo weather says tomorrow is going to be light rain. But you know what Scotlands like, so it could end up a heatwave.
I will PM my mobile number to the official members who are going that don't know the way, mainly Gemma, incase people get lost. Directions are below though.
Coming from the south (Manda, Gemma etc)
Just get onto the M(A)74 and head north, cross the border, remember to beep horns at this point and carry on all the way upto junction 6. It is signposted Hamilton, Motherwell, Wishaw. Come off here and the road sweeps round to the left. Keep to the inside lane here as the road then splits in two, you want to head left. You will then continue down the off ramp to join up with a 3 lane road heading towards a roundabout with traffic lights at it. Make sure you are in the far right lane here. It will say "Palace Grounds" printed on the road. Go round the roundabout and take the 3rd exit which will be signposted Palace Grounds. By now Next & a VUE Cinema should be on your left. You will go past a pedestrian crossing with traffic lights at it and head towards another roundabout, keep right again and once more, take the 3rd exit into the industrial estate. As you go in there, McDonalds will be to your left, Halfords infront of you and MFI to your right. If you miss that junction, just come off at the next one for go away round the roundabout, under the motorway and back on the other side and follow the directions posted bellow.
People Coming From Fife Area (Titch, Simon Etc)
Think you guys are heading through in a convoy, incase you aint though this is mainly for Simon as Titch "should" know where he is going.
Head down the M8 towards Glasgow. Pass the Junction for Eurocentral. Its a junction just after this, can't actually remember the number though, but the road is A725. It will be signposted for Hamilton. A good way to remember it is there is actually 2 seperate exits. One is for Hamilton, the other Coatbridge. Take the 1st one here, and keep left, it joins up with another road, then branches away left and downhill, then right and under a bridge. Stay on that road all the way to the end. You will come down a big hill towards a roundabout. This is one of the entrances to Strathyclyde Park. You can have the left or the middle lane here. Take the 2nd exit signposted M74, Carlisle. Just stick to the inside lane here, as your off at the next exit. Come off at Junction 6, signposted Motherwell, Hamilton, Wishaw. Remember *WATCH THE RIGHT HAND BEND* its sharp. You will then join the same road as mentioned in the directions above, so follow them. If you miss the junction, just carry on till junction 7, Signposted Lanark, Larkhall. Go off there and turn right, Larkhall direction, then join back on the motorway once over the bridge.
People coming from the far end of Glasgow (Stephen, Fraser etc)
Fire up the M8 and take the slip road for the M73, signposted for Carlisle (M74) and Drumpilier Park, keep right, sure you will know the way, go onto the M74 Signposted Carlisle, past the services on your left and upto junction 6 then follow the directions in the section above.
1)Chris (Scottish-sr)
2)Fraser (Fraz)
3)Allan & Allans Wife

6)Stephen (K11SS) & Mate
7)Marc (Frasers Mate)
8)Simon & GF(BMX Bandit)
9)Babyboom + 2 Mates
10)Layla & Ian & Gemma
11)Mr Vee on this forum, although he never posts & drives a Laguna
12)Allans mate Housty from Ecossecruise - Fiat Punto
13)Babybooms Model Micra
14)Darryl (K10 Daz)
So we now have 22 people. 21 eating, 15 cars of which 11 are K11, 1 K12, 1 Mystery car, 1 Laguna & 1 Punto