amsterdam in the k10

just booked time off work and got my insurance sorted so me and a mate have decided that my k10 is going to take us to amsterdam and back through germany and france, was hoping to do a lap or two of the ring as a laugh but wasnt sure on prices, looked on the net and it seems to be about 500 quid !?!?!? might have been looking at the wrong thing but i know when a mate went on his bike it was only about 30 quid, anyone know a rough price for a car and if theres any open days between the 1st and 7th of june?
i dont know mate,,but a run down them autobahns might just quench your thirst? (keep in the correct lane though or you may get a fright:grinning:)
aha yeah the autobahns will be fun but id much rather throw the old girl round some tight corners at high speed, plus to have the chance to say that i drove a k10 micra round the ring would be something very few others could say lol :grinning:
aha yeah the autobahns will be fun but id much rather throw the old girl round some tight corners at high speed, plus to have the chance to say that i drove a k10 micra round the ring would be something very few others could say lol :grinning:

Unless you have a mega powerful k10 the autobahns will be a nightmare! K10 is massively underpowered for the uk motorway let alone autobahns! I was on one of the unrestricted bits a couple years back in my s14 easily doing 170mph and still kept getting bullied out the way by big M5 and mercs
Not to mention k10s at anything over 40 mph guzzle fuel (4 speed)
From memory 40 quid I think 500 is a season ticket or a months entry can't remember
might have to skip the autobahns then but still think the ring would be a good laugh, im going with a mate who is getting insured on the k10 aswell so will be going halves on fuel so shudnt be too bad, that sounds like a better price aha, thought 500 was a bit much, thanks alot for the help and advice guys :laugh:
Is the ring not something like £20 a lap? recollecting from a 5th gear episode. So may or may not be remembering correctly. :D
thanks for the info guys, was going to skip it but knowing that its not ridiculusly priced now, were going to go there, would of hated to skip it and then found out its only 40 euro's or what not to go round :laugh:
aha ill be there deffinatly dont you worry aha, im going amsterdam on the 1st so it will prob be the 4th or 5th we head down there :grinning: cant wait now, just hope we make it lol
if i knew how to put pics up on here i would show u a few pics of the k10 thats taking us, but im quite new to this so havent got the hang o it yet lol :laugh: