
need some help selecting an amp that will b best, i have 2 rockford fosgate 10inch phase 2 subs, they run 200w rms 400w peak at 4 ohms

what amps would people recommend for running these subs
Go with a mono amp (Class D) that gives out around 400-500wrms at 2ohm. You wire the subs in parellel with one another, then to the amp to show it a 2ohm load.

Whats your budget? You will also need a wiring kit :)
i rekon the budget for an amp will be around 250-300, ill get into wiring once ive gt all the equipment,

what brand would u reccommend for the amp i wanted to keep it all rockford fosgate but if anyone has any reccomendation im all ears thanks for ur help.
thanks for the help ppl, so no one recommends staying with rockford branded amps
retepetsir could u reccommend a couple to go along with the 3 hugh did jus so i can get a basic at wot im looking for
I used to have the Magnat XCite Mono amp :) - awesome for the money, so that one is seriously worth a look.

I dont think there are any others that I can suggest to be honest.

You will also need a 4awg wiring kit, so go for this:


Again, you need 400-500wrms of power at 2ohms (RMS power to MAX power). Features such as a subsonic filter are also useful if you ever use a ported box in the future.
thanks for you help guys ill have a look into this sharpish as so i cn get the subs in, then i jus gotta raise the funds for the pioneer 9600 and another amp and speakers for the doors
Bennai said:
thanks for you help guys ill have a look into this sharpish as so i cn get the subs in, then i jus gotta raise the funds for the pioneer 9600 and another amp and speakers for the doors

Worth the saving up mate! I've got one, so has retepetsir and Kev. Bloody awesome unit
Bennai said:
thanks for you help guys ill have a look into this sharpish as so i cn get the subs in, then i jus gotta raise the funds for the pioneer 9600 and another amp and speakers for the doors

Yup the 9600 is great.

Take a look at the new JVC unit, has a built in 3.5" tft and DVD player for around the same price........!!!
the new jvc doues look phat granted, but i fell in love with the 9600 it jus looks awesome, but u reccomend it as being a good hedunit not jus good looks then
Awesome unit, 14-band EQ, can run a fully active system directly from the headunit, custom time allignment, etc, etc, etc.

It's meant I can get my system sounding just how I want to!
sounds worth it then, but if i can get a good price on the jvc do u think i should go for that or is it just for show and not as good spec wise as the 9600,
i the amp im going for is a phenoix gold one the x600.1 it seems to be the best one to go for,
a friend told me that running 2 subs from the one amp will not sound good is this true or will it sound alrite