Air Filter Size?


Buy & Sell Member
Hi all, i recently got myself a 1.3 k11 sr :grinning: and it is fitted with a k&n cone filter. After having a rummage about in the garage i have come across an unbranded air filter which i used on a 1.1 fiat seicento (awful car).
The unbranded filter is nearly twice the size of the k&n one so i was wondering would it make that much of a difference swapping them over???
But there again the unbranded only cost me £25 where as the k&n's range around £60 so is it quality over size??

Cheers for any answers...

(by the way this is my first thread :wasntme:)
You ain't really going to find any sort of huge performance from an air filter. The bigger it is, the less restrictive. After a certain size the response and noise you get from an after market air filter will not improve any more.

I would just stick with the K&N filter.
look at it this way, the engine can only take so much air.

personally myself i would go standard with a uprated panel filter. the car was desgined with the standard set-up and it seems to work well. so IMO there no need to change it :)


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