Adjustable Panhard Rod


Ex. Club Member
Has anybody else come across the problem of the metal inserts that come with the panhard rod being too big? I fitted mine the other day and the larger one that goes on the axel was too bid for the stud.

Also when I fitted it there was a slight knock when I went over bumps, which has gradually got worse. I have checked everything is tight, but it is that under tension I cant get it to do it while its jacked up.

Any ideas?

Cheers Tim
Yup, the bush that fits over the axle mount is too big and it is also not machined to take into consideration the taper to the reduced diameter of the thread. I found it moved under hard cornering.

I machined up my own bush from stainless last time I re-built the car with a tighter tollerance on the diamater and an insertable collar to stop it moving. This still allows the bar to be adjusted 1/2 turn at a time, once setup you insert the collar and bolt up.

No more problems now but only doable if you have a lathe to hand ;)
Just been at work with the car on the ramp, machined a insert up, replaced the one that was in the rod, but its still knocking. Its a nice snug fit. It only happens when i go over a bump, not round corners.

Any ideas?

Cheers Tim
Just a thought it could be the anto roll bar link,lowereing the car puts them under extra pressure.My nearside started knocking as soon as I lowered the car.You can test this by removing the link & take for a run...
Just a thought it could be the anto roll bar link,lowereing the car puts them under extra pressure.My nearside started knocking as soon as I lowered the car.You can test this by removing the link & take for a run...

Yup, if that wasn't the problem, the next place to check is the rear drop-links. Mine were fine until I went to a track day and then they started knocking after about 3 laps ;)

Good job on the bush insert though, makes it a much better solution :)
What panhard rod do you have?

I have a whiteline one and it all fits on perfect just a pain to remove the old one and the rubber bushes.
Not to sound daft but is the adjustor/locking nut definately tight? As i had a similar problem, had to re-tighten it a few times, its fine now.

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