I have a 1993 1.0LX Micra and it is my pride and joy.
The only problem that I have with it at the minute is the bodywork is gonna start and let me down at M.O.T's, with the engine still running perfect and the only things that have changed is the filters, batteries and sparks and the only fix is the throttle body.
When I first got it the owner before had done a bad job fixing the arches, crap welding and now the paint work is coming off, and with it being 20yrs old the floor is starting to rust a bit.
Does anyone know of someone in the North East, more Newcastle and Sunderland way that would be able to at least try and fix or stop the rust for a couple of years, and fix the bad job that was done before I got it.
Don't really what to get rid of it, I've had it 5 years and it only has 58,000 on the clock, don't see the point in buying a new one just yet.
The only problem that I have with it at the minute is the bodywork is gonna start and let me down at M.O.T's, with the engine still running perfect and the only things that have changed is the filters, batteries and sparks and the only fix is the throttle body.
When I first got it the owner before had done a bad job fixing the arches, crap welding and now the paint work is coming off, and with it being 20yrs old the floor is starting to rust a bit.
Does anyone know of someone in the North East, more Newcastle and Sunderland way that would be able to at least try and fix or stop the rust for a couple of years, and fix the bad job that was done before I got it.
Don't really what to get rid of it, I've had it 5 years and it only has 58,000 on the clock, don't see the point in buying a new one just yet.
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