A 2 litre for your Micra?

This one is up for grabs at my local scrapyard.


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Dont' know if it's a runner or not. Rest of car looked pretty good, bodywork, etc. They've already started on the interior, steering wheel gone, and more. Guy said around £100, cheap I reckon, for the engine and £75 for the trans. The calipers are about £20 each, if they're of any use. I'm tempted to buy the engine just on spec. Pity it's not a drop in, wouldn't mind a 2 litre but don't want to butcher my car. Anything else on this car that's of any use to a Micra owner?


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wooo k10 in the background there lol :p sorry couldn't help myself

wonder whats wrong the the car looks ok from the pics prob rusted to hell underneath
sorry for the hi-jack but they didnt have a auto k11 did they? cuz im after a auto box dip stick