93 1.0 engine running problem help

today was accelerating lost power started misfiring sounds like a scooby burble same at idle cut out a couple of times it hesitates on acceleration at 20mph 1st gear 40mph 2nd gear if i back off the throttle it starts pulling better nightmare when doing a hill start
have changed throttle body x2 distributor fuel filter plugs are brown tried fuel additives 97ron fuel and re routed lambda cable it is gradually getting worse
check for sparks arcing across the HT leads at distributor end. also sounds like mine did when i ran at double fuel pressure. faulty lambda?
am checking the leads with a multimeter at the moment i had a mondeo which done the same but a lead came off but this problem isnt that simple:(
going to check the fuel pressure in the morning tried squeezing the hoses at the tank and turning the ignition on ant couldnt feel any pressure through them got a gauge sitting to check when its light
pump makes a wizzing noise when you turn ignition on. then a click happens near you right foot. in normal situation
hmm. praps check the lambda voltage on the fly eh, middle wire is the signal wire, and it should be bouncing from about .4v to .6v @ cruise, and .9v when accelerating and 0v on lift
looks like the ecu is closed looping ok @ cruise, but you should be constant .9v when accelerating in 1st and 2nd (if not you are running lean for some reason)
car was barely driveable today struggled to get up hills major loss of power
managed to get a fuel pump cheap but out of an almera just a chance i took and it fits perfect
cars giving me full power all the way up to the redline but a couple of times it has had a little hiccup barely notice but its there
one member had a rusty filler pipe and water in the tank recently eh andy, (and it wrecked the pump)

well it happened again went to scrappys and got a good filler pipe off a late model but cruising on the motorway at 80 and like brakes went on again slowed to 65 and nearly all the way back from scrappys it stuttered like mad am like :eek::mad: a tried everything i can see to change that could be wrong and still stutters well had another look under the back arch and noticed a HOLE in the smaller breather pipe:( just where it meets the filler pipe completely rusted how did i miss that so tank off and drained tomorrow and replacement filler pipe rust treated and painted and back on fresh fuel and fingers crossed all is well and havent ruined the almera pump
today was accelerating lost power started misfiring sounds like a scooby burble same at idle cut out a couple of times it hesitates on acceleration at 20mph 1st gear 40mph 2nd gear if i back off the throttle it starts pulling better nightmare when doing a hill start
have changed throttle body x2 distributor fuel filter plugs are brown tried fuel additives 97ron fuel and re routed lambda cable it is gradually getting worse
when that happened to mine it was the airmass sensor so went scrappy anndgot a 2nd hand one put it on and it was fine have you checked your airbox to see what is in there ?
it was the fuel filler pipe had a small hole and letting water in took ages to figure out but wife got hold of another car and got rid of the wee micra last weekwith it being to small for her
kept a few things off it that i will sell on like the throttle bodys dizzy stainless back box and fuel filler pipe and still got a brand new drivers sill
it was the fuel filler pipe had a small hole and letting water in took ages to figure out but wife got hold of another car and got rid of the wee micra last weekwith it being to small for her
kept a few things off it that i will sell on like the throttle bodys dizzy stainless back box and fuel filler pipe and still got a brand new drivers sill
im looking for a spoiler for mine

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