27k service


Micra Attitude

well my k12 will be in need of its third full service with approximately 2000 miles to go and will need its first MOT in march as well.

I have been busy getting quotes and have yet to decide whether to take it back to the main dealers. there are a few issues to see if you guys can come up with some ideas.

Kwik fit does full service with mot at £129 which is think is bril but they dont offer courtesy cars so i would have to wait like a bum for the full day. :doh:
however they may be more linear with me buying certain parts cheaper on ebay and get them to put it on. i.e. brake discs are on the way out, dealer wants £120 but i saw them on sale with pads for £49.

i am still waiting for the dealer's call/email but somehow i dont think it will fall below £200 and they will want the extra £120 off me for the discs in order to pass the MOT. :glare:

or shall i just take it to a nearby dodgy garage? lol :wasntme:

decisions decisions!

one more thing, my belt is squeeking at start up, (dont know whether thats fan or cam belt or whatever) does this sound like an expensive job? or just the cold weather?o_O

cheers guys
Squeaking when starting up is the auxiliary drive belt and possibly the tensioner. Can't remember whether the 1.4 even has a cambelt, I thought it was a chain driven job.

Anyway, no to Kwik Fit, apart from anything they will use some donkey cum oil which is just what you don't want, K12 engines are quite choosy over their oils, if you look in the handbook it will specify a viscosity AND an ACEA grade. Most main dealers don't realise this, hence why I supplied my own oil for the service I had done on my 160SR on Wednesday.

The dealer should be willing to fit whatever parts you supply, you just need to notify them of this! I've had dealers fit brake pads and discs that I've sourced before and they've been none-standard items.

Sorry, I should make it clear over what I mean by ACEA grades.

ACEA A1 (or B for diesels) - Fuel economy
ACEA A3 - Performance (this is the 160SR min requirement)
ACEA A5 - Performance and economy (top notch stuff but quite rare)

IIRC the CR engines require A2, which as you can probably guess is one step up from A1. Most garages usually just go for A1 as it's easily available and the cheapest. I've even had a (Nissan main dealer!!!) garage tell me they'd put 10w40 without ACEA approval in my car! P*ss off.

I feed my HR16DE 5w30 fully synthetic ACEA A3. Fully synth provides longer drain intervals (not really a problem as it gets fresh oil and a filter every 4k) and added protection, especially when the engine is being operated at a high RPM for an extended period (as my car usually is! Lol).
thanks guys, i know main dealer is usually the better option but the price and labour they charge is way too much. i will ask whether i can supply my own parts before i go ahead with them.

anyway i would have thought kwik fit will know what they're doing.
anyway i would have thought kwik fit will know what they're doing.

You are joking, right?

You are honestly better off looking at the service spec and doing it yourself. I can almost guarantee you that the Quik Fit service won't include a coolant change, which Nissan specify for the M3 service.

Dealer prices are high, but at least you'll know the car will receive the correct attention.

Yea, I agre with what's bin sed about main dealer service, the cost is high, but then you dont get a rep car, some one has to pay for it!! If they don't do it rite no one will, yea? Bisides you can always take it back if your not happy.
Mine is the same its due for a service in 200miles and my first mot in july i advice you take it to a dealership yes they may be more expensive but at least you know they know what they are doing with your car as they see them every day
Sorry, I should make it clear over what I mean by ACEA grades.

ACEA A1 (or B for diesels) - Fuel economy
ACEA A3 - Performance (this is the 160SR min requirement)
ACEA A5 - Performance and economy (top notch stuff but quite rare)

IIRC the CR engines require A2, which as you can probably guess is one step up from A1. Most garages usually just go for A1 as it's easily available and the cheapest. I've even had a (Nissan main dealer!!!) garage tell me they'd put 10w40 without ACEA approval in my car! P*ss off.

I feed my HR16DE 5w30 fully synthetic ACEA A3. Fully synth provides longer drain intervals (not really a problem as it gets fresh oil and a filter every 4k) and added protection, especially when the engine is being operated at a high RPM for an extended period (as my car usually is! Lol).

A5 is available. In my wife's 160SR I use Motul 8100 full synthetic 5w-30 which is A5/B5.
Yeah, it's certainly available, we have to use it in my Dad's RX8-just I've never seen it in somewhere like Halfords. Or A3, come to think of it! Lol.
Yeah, it's certainly available, we have to use it in my Dad's RX8-just I've never seen it in somewhere like Halfords. Or A3, come to think of it! Lol.

I don't know whether we're allowed to suggest suppliers here but I get my oils from Opie Oils. They have a website.
right here is the quote nissan gave and im not impressed:

£500 odd quid for brake discs and full service on a MICRA??? bloody hell! im sure i didnt say i drive a 350z or something. :kungfu:

gotta find my own brake discs or perhaps a good independant garage.

Hi Mr Tse

For a 27k service which is a P3 service, this is £265 all in with parts,labour,and vat.

As for asking if you can source your own parts,yes you can but i can not give any warranty on the repair.

I have priced the brake disc's and pads for you.

Brake Disc £30.00 each you need two
Brake pads £37.00 for a set
Labour £142.00
Total £239.00 plus vat @ 17.5%

We are booking from 06/02/07 onwards.
Please call Colin or Sakhvinder on 0121-766-4100

Hope this help you


Shaun O'Neill
Aftersales Manager
West Way Birmingham Nissan
Tel 0121-766-4100 Ext 104
Phone around different dealers and play them off against each other, I saved £50 on an M1 service this way.
so everyone agree they are too expensive huh.

140 pounds for labour for changing pads and discs is definitely a rip off, im sure i have seen people done it under a hour or even less.

the thing is im also saving for my holiday to Hong kong and thailand which may ultimately means no service for her, just MOT until i come back.
im looking at search engines regarding independent nissan garage but no luck.

know any reputable place i can take my car but doesnt cost a bomb
Don't skimp on servicing, you could miss something that's crucial to the car's safety and/or reliability, you'll also lose in the long run as it'll be worth much less when you come to sell. Like I say, phone around Nissan dealers.
This is another one from another nissan dealer, slightly cheaper but by no means cheap. :sleepy: i'll keep trying.

Hi Adam

Many thanks for your enquiry.

A P3 service cost is 264.00 fully inclusive.

If your vehicle did require new front brake discs the cost would be 151.57 fully inclusive of parts, labour and vat.

If your brake pads as well as your brake discs require changing the cost would be 195.05 fully inclusive of parts,labour and vat.

We can offer you an appointment as soon as Wednesday this week ( 7/2/07 ) and we would require your car for approximateley 3.5 hours.

If you required a booking were we can arrange courtesy car transport the earliest date would be Friday of this week ( 9/2/07 ).

To confirm your booking, olease telephone me on 01384 574444.


Paul Barker
Service Manager
This is another one from another nissan dealer, slightly cheaper but by no means cheap. :sleepy: i'll keep trying.

Hi Adam

Many thanks for your enquiry.

A P3 service cost is 264.00 fully inclusive.

If your vehicle did require new front brake discs the cost would be 151.57 fully inclusive of parts, labour and vat.

If your brake pads as well as your brake discs require changing the cost would be 195.05 fully inclusive of parts,labour and vat.

We can offer you an appointment as soon as Wednesday this week ( 7/2/07 ) and we would require your car for approximateley 3.5 hours.

If you required a booking were we can arrange courtesy car transport the earliest date would be Friday of this week ( 9/2/07 ).

To confirm your booking, olease telephone me on 01384 574444.


Paul Barker
Service Manager

I Know him Paul Barker :wow: Thats Were I get My car service Very Good Dealer
West Way Stourbridge
Brettell Lane

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