2006 K12 Micra (automatic) blower motor removal

Just returned from a trip, and my wife advises that the heater fan in her 2006 K12 Micra is not working. It doesn't work in any of the speed positions, 1 through 4. We are surrounded by trees, and occasionally the fan has sounded like it had a leaf in it, but has normally cleared after a time. She said just before it stopped completely, it sounded like a leaf was in there again. I understand that if the fan works in high speed, position 4, then it is likely to be the resistor, so assume I can rule this out, although I have removed the glovebox and the resistor pack and will test the resistor shortly. The 2 x 15A blower motor fuses are intact, so am about to look at the blower motor itself. Reading on various blogs, I understand that in order to remove the motor, I need to remove the instrument panel assembly, which I am not looking forward to !!! Does anyone know if this is in fact necessary or is it possible to remove the motor without doing this. There is a YouTube video saying that it can be done, but one minute the motor is in situ, the next it's on the bench being tested, it doesn't actually show it being removed.

Any input would be appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.
After removing the 2 pieces of trim at the side of the windscreen and the upper instrument panel cover (very simple job) I was able to access the blower motor connector, and after confirming there was power to pin number 1 with ignition switched on, and that there was continuity to ground from pin number 2 though the switch/resistor pack in all 4 positions, everything pointed to the blower motor being the problem, but there was also continuity through the motor itself. Before taking more of the instrument panel off, and removing the motor completely, I wanted to confirm that the motor was in fact not just jammed with a leaf (we are surrounded by pine trees) or something, so released the motor from the housing (by pulling back on the clip and rotating clockwise, and pulling it out of the housing as far as I could). Made sure the rotor could spin freely, and put it back. After reconnecting, and testing....hey presto it worked, so didn't have to remove the blower motor completely after all !!! Moral of the story....stop parking under the pine trees at night :)
Looks like the above was premature........ever since it was "fixed" the fan has continued to operate intermittently......as soon as I touch the fan at all after it stops it operates again, and can continue to do so for 1 hour, 1day, 1 week.......totally unpredictable :-( . It does not appear to be binding anywhere, as when it is operating it's quiet.
Looks like the above was premature........ever since it was "fixed" the fan has continued to operate intermittently......as soon as I touch the fan at all after it stops it operates again, and can continue to do so for 1 hour, 1day, 1 week.......totally unpredictable :-( . It does not appear to be binding anywhere, as when it is operating it's quiet.
See my post HERE for how to fix it..................
Sorry for delayed response. I had already removed the connector, and replaced it with spade connectors, probably after finding your post or a similar one. What I hadn't realized was that the spades were different sizes, so after reading your post, I changed one of the connectors to the smaller spade....still no improvement, I am starting to think it is a commutator/brush issue, as once the motor is running, it continues to run, but once stopped, it may or may not start. Now the warmer weather is here, might have to tackle replacing the motor :-(
Now I can finally complete this post !!!

Some time ago, I bought a brand new blower motor on eBay...the guy wanted around £50, but I noticed he had 5 available so assuming he may have difficulty selling them all, I made him an offer of £30 (I think it was) and he accepted.......result !!!

I have been promising to do the job of replacing the motor all summer, but with the size of the job, removing lots of the dashboard, etc. etc. and estimates of 4 to 6 hours to do it, I have always found an excuse not to do it !!! Now the colder weather is here, my wife needs the windscreen demister and heat, so I had no choice.

However, I saw a post somewhere on here which said the blower motor could be removed by cutting out a piece of the plastic air duct above the blower motor, so I thought that I would give that method a try first.

After removing a piece of the ducting (see the photos) I was able to remove the old motor, and then install the new one. It is very tight, and there are a few obstructions that have to be negotiated, but with patience, and ensuring nothing is getting damaged in the process, it was possible. The removed piece of duct was then replaced using duct tape, which is probably more airtight than the foam seals that were there before as they are starting to disintegrate.

From start to finish, the job took around an hour, and it's running fine.

You can see from one of the photos that the end of the rotor assembly was starting to disintegrate, so maybe bit's of plastic were what was causing the fan to stop.

Hope this helps someone else..............


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@Pangit you sir are a legend. I have just made a account to thank you for your post. I have spent too many hours now chasing this intermittent blower issue. Can I ask what you used to cut the ducting?

Thanks again?
Well improvised, adapted & overcome the notorious K12 blower motor problem at marginal cost & with just one hours work. Brilliant, “jobs a goodun”.

PS; Also curious with what you cut that rigid ducting so neatly in such a confined restricted space? (y)
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Well improvised, adapted & overcome the notorious K12 blower motor problem at marginal cost & with just one hours work. Brilliant, “jobs a goodun”.

PS; Also curious with what you cut that rigid ducting so neatly in such a confined restricted space? (y)
perhaps a dremel with a flexible head?


These things are fantastic, I wish they made more flexible attachments for screwdrivers and small sockets
Followed @Pangit 's excellent advice, removed the piece of ducting, cur with hacksaw blade, not too much effort. Still cant get the motor out though, a fraction too tight. Easy to detach the connector and twist out the motor from the housing, but just can't manoeuvre the blow through the gap. Reckon I could do it if I removed the bulkhead foam. Anyone got any experience / advice on this? Thanks.
Just completed blower replacement following pangits excellent method took 1 hour brilliant idea,I was quoted £300 from one garage and that's me supplying blower,said pedals to be removed,dash and steering column,got blower from ebay £18,I'm over the moon,old blower started being intermittent but would work if harness wires were pulled,it got gradually worse then stopped altogether.Great idea thanks again
Just completed blower replacement following pangits excellent method took 1 hour brilliant idea,I was quoted £300 from one garage and that's me supplying blower,said pedals to be removed,dash and steering column,got blower from ebay £18,I'm over the moon,old blower started being intermittent but would work if harness wires were pulled,it got gradually worse then stopped altogether.Great idea thanks again
There was still probably nothing wrong with your original blower motor..........the problem, when intermitent, is the poor connector design... any replacement will go the same way if you don't by-pass the connector...... :(
I did bypass the connector as well only lasted about 3 days,opened up old blower,popped clips under fan and pulled motor out,stretched carbon brush spring so more pressure on motor and cleaned up as it was quite black.tried it across battery and it works, Yes the pivoted connection is really bad and poor design and not a tight connection
Hello needed some advice and help with k12 Manual. how can I access blower motor fans not working only works a little when tapped on around that area and that too noisily I'm frozen in the car having to drive 8 hours a day doing deliveries I'm not that savvy and help would be greatly appreciated Thankyou
Now I can finally complete this post !!!

Some time ago, I bought a brand new blower motor on eBay...the guy wanted around £50, but I noticed he had 5 available so assuming he may have difficulty selling them all, I made him an offer of £30 (I think it was) and he accepted.......result !!!

I have been promising to do the job of replacing the motor all summer, but with the size of the job, removing lots of the dashboard, etc. etc. and estimates of 4 to 6 hours to do it, I have always found an excuse not to do it !!! Now the colder weather is here, my wife needs the windscreen demister and heat, so I had no choice.

However, I saw a post somewhere on here which said the blower motor could be removed by cutting out a piece of the plastic air duct above the blower motor, so I thought that I would give that method a try first.

After removing a piece of the ducting (see the photos) I was able to remove the old motor, and then install the new one. It is very tight, and there are a few obstructions that have to be negotiated, but with patience, and ensuring nothing is getting damaged in the process, it was possible. The removed piece of duct was then replaced using duct tape, which is probably more airtight than the foam seals that were there before as they are starting to disintegrate.

From start to finish, the job took around an hour, and it's running fine.

You can see from one of the photos that the end of the rotor assembly was starting to disintegrate, so maybe bit's of plastic were what was causing the fan to stop.

Hope this helps someone else..............

Hi Panjit,
Trust this finds you safe and well.
Ive never joined a forum in my life, almost 60yrs old now, but no time like the present.
My wife's car needs its heater blower removed and new one fitted. I was very impressed with your method and the helpful photos, especially as local Nissan dealer is quoting me £550. Could you please explain how you get to the stage were you begin cut away the duct and so remove the motor, am i right in thinking that the top of the dash has to be removed, and if so how?
Thanking you in advance
@Pangit you sir are a legend. I have just made a account to thank you for your post. I have spent too many hours now chasing this intermittent blower issue. Can I ask what you used to cut the ducting?

Thanks again?

Hi, im too set with the task of removing the heater blower from my wife's Micra, was wondering how you got on? were you successful and have you any tips??
thanks in advance
Followed @Pangit 's excellent advice, removed the piece of ducting, cur with hacksaw blade, not too much effort. Still cant get the motor out though, a fraction too tight. Easy to detach the connector and twist out the motor from the housing, but just can't manoeuvre the blow through the gap. Reckon I could do it if I removed the bulkhead foam. Anyone got any experience / advice on this? Thanks.

Hi Tim, was wondering if you were eventually successful re the blower heater motor removal? If so have you any tips as I too am faced with the same task.
thanks in advance
Hi Panjit,
Trust this finds you safe and well.
Ive never joined a forum in my life, almost 60yrs old now, but no time like the present.
My wife's car needs its heater blower removed and new one fitted. I was very impressed with your method and the helpful photos, especially as local Nissan dealer is quoting me £550. Could you please explain how you get to the stage were you begin cut away the duct and so remove the motor, am i right in thinking that the top of the dash has to be removed, and if so how?
Thanking you in advance
I no longer have the Micra, but you are correct, the top panel over the dashboard needs to be removed, it just unclips, sorry I can't help you with pics on how to do it :)
I no longer have the Micra, but you are correct, the top panel over the dashboard needs to be removed, it just unclips, sorry I can't help you with pics on how to do it :)

thank you sir for your reply. life's too short for me not to give it a go!
Maybe "lockdown" is the perfect opportunity. Just need to find me a 2nd hand motor first
Hello needed some advice and help with k12 Manual. how can I access blower motor fans not working only works a little when tapped on around that area and that too noisily I'm frozen in the car having to drive 8 hours a day doing deliveries I'm not that savvy and help would be greatly appreciated Thankyou
thank you sir for your reply. life's too short for me not to give it a go!
Maybe "lockdown" is the perfect opportunity. Just need to find me a 2nd hand motor first
Hi, I'm just in the process of replacing the heater blower in my wife's 2010 micra. Im using the method mention re removing the top of the dash and cutting out a piece of air duct.... We'll it worked, I have the motor out, was tight and a little awkward but got it out in 20mins. Gonna purchase a replacement, £50 approx, and hopefully a warmer car is near. Paul

Hi, I'm just in the process of replacing the heater blower in my wife's 2010 micra. Im using the method mention re removing the top of the dash and cutting out a piece of air duct.... We'll it worked, I have the motor out, was tight and a little awkward but got it out in 20mins. Gonna purchase a replacement, £50 approx, and hopefully a warmer car is near. Paul
Check the old one out with power directly on the two spade connectors, I guarantee it will work OK .......You will be fitting the new motor with the same crap, arced plug that 'fitted' the old one. Will work OK for a while, but this time next year you may well be in the same position, with a non working blower......?
Hi Tim, was wondering if you were eventually successful re the blower heater motor removal? If so have you any tips as I too am faced with the same task.
thanks in advance
Hi, sorry for only just picking this up.
For me, the problem turned out to be the control knob in the centre console. I had already changed the resistor pack - still no blower.
I tried the method described to remove the motor. I cut away the ducting but still could not get the motor out after several attempts. I thought I should test the motor and the connector before taking more drastic action. I worked out that the control is on the ground side of the motor, not the +ve. So, working with the motor revealed (dash cover off) I carefully stripped back a bit of the insulation part way down the -ve side of the motor cable then, using an old length of house mains cable, grounded the exposed copper to the metal crossbeam. Voila, the motor spun like it should. Every time. No problem with the motor or connector.

I used tested for continuity to ground with the control knob in different positions to work out that it was the control knob that was not connecting the resistor pack to ground.

I actually repaired the old control knob - clean, spring from an old biro and some silicon lubricant, but you can pick up a centre console with the switch included for around £20 on eBay, plenty around when I looked.

The blower has worked perfectly since the control knob fix.

Hope this helps someone.
hi sorry for delay, Once i got the motor out(was awkward but did come out after 15mins of trying) I remembered seeing a video were the person showed how to clean the motor bushes/contacts and the surface they make contact with. Mine was reasonably dirty so cleaned it up and plugged it in to check.....and it worked!!
So hoping that may of sorted the issue so just need to get the motor back in situ and repair the air duct that I had to cut and so have access to the motor.
Check the old one out with power directly on the two spade connectors, I guarantee it will work OK .......You will be fitting the new motor with the same crap, arced plug that 'fitted' the old one. Will work OK for a while, but this time next year you may well be in the same position, with a non working blower......?
hi sorry for delay, Once i got the motor out I remembered seeing a video were the person showed how to clean the motor bushes/contacts and the surface they make contact with. Mine was reasonably dirty so cleaned it up and plugged it in to check.....and it worked!!
So hoping that may of sorted the issue so just need to get the motor back in situ and repair the air duct that I had to cut and so have access to the motor. thanks for the heads up on the plug itself, will keep this in mind if the issue returns
hi sorry for delay, Once i got the motor out(was awkward but did come out after 15mins of trying) I remembered seeing a video were the person showed how to clean the motor bushes/contacts and the surface they make contact with. Mine was reasonably dirty so cleaned it up and plugged it in to check.....and it worked!!
So hoping that may of sorted the issue so just need to get the motor back in situ and repair the air duct that I had to cut and so have access to the motor.

Been a few years since this topic started and yes still problem with removing heater motor’s.

I’ve got the motor partially out using the cutting duct method but blowed if I can get past the last obstacle, been at it for a couple of hours now. Any advice how to wiggle it out would be appreciated.


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