160sr wont start in hot weather

Bought a cheeky lil 160sr off a dodgy dealer. Problems with starting car happened on second day of owning. Will not start on a hot day.
Turn key and all dash lights come on as per usual but turn key again to start & get nothing. Leave doors open for half an hour to cool down inside of car n bang. She starts. o_O

Dealer doesnt want to know and cba with hastle of writing letters to trading standards etc, so down to me to fix otherwise im micra less.Any 1 had similar problems ? Im guessing its a common fault on k12s & im not alone. :confused:

Thanks for reading guys n gals.
Believe its ignition switch so will try changing that when one of ebay arrives and if i can find a how too guide. Will let you know if this remedeys issue. Hopefully help other people out with same problem

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