Hi there, hope we are well. Just joined today. My Dad used to have a grey 1.4 Sport 3 dr years ago and loved it, wish he had never sold it so thats what got me into them. I always wanted a 160 SR and they now seem pretty rare. I made a 500 mile round trip today from Dalgety bay in Fife where i live to Wakefield to purchase one. Here was the car on the drive home today - so good to have an exciting daily again.
I like my cars standard so thats how it will be staying, but few jobs to do including:
1.) Alloys refurbed
2.) The wipers seem to have an annoying habit of going a wee touch too far and clattering off the plastic scuttle / side windscreen pillar whilst in operation (however not when the screens dry, only when its wet) - anyone any ideas??
3.) The heater blower only seems to work on speeds 3 and 4, resistor I'm assuming - easy to rectify?
4.) Give it a darn good service
5.) Original Micra K12 velour mats to be purchased and fitted.
6.) Seems to have slightly rising revs when changing from 2nd to third along with a wee vibration (possible exhaust?) at about 2,000 - 2250 rpm - any ideas?
7.) Infuriating rattle from either the tailgate or the rear seat, seem to recall my dads had this as well, was in the rear panel covering the wiper motor? Cant recall now all these years later
8.) Get a second key ordered up and programmed in as only came with one key (is this costly to have done does anyone know?)
The car seems good and had 56,000 miles on the clock and drove up the road no bother at all.
Kind Regards, Russell.
I like my cars standard so thats how it will be staying, but few jobs to do including:
1.) Alloys refurbed
2.) The wipers seem to have an annoying habit of going a wee touch too far and clattering off the plastic scuttle / side windscreen pillar whilst in operation (however not when the screens dry, only when its wet) - anyone any ideas??
3.) The heater blower only seems to work on speeds 3 and 4, resistor I'm assuming - easy to rectify?
4.) Give it a darn good service
5.) Original Micra K12 velour mats to be purchased and fitted.
6.) Seems to have slightly rising revs when changing from 2nd to third along with a wee vibration (possible exhaust?) at about 2,000 - 2250 rpm - any ideas?
7.) Infuriating rattle from either the tailgate or the rear seat, seem to recall my dads had this as well, was in the rear panel covering the wiper motor? Cant recall now all these years later
8.) Get a second key ordered up and programmed in as only came with one key (is this costly to have done does anyone know?)
The car seems good and had 56,000 miles on the clock and drove up the road no bother at all.
Kind Regards, Russell.

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