1.4 SX - Any issues?

Hi guys. Before I begin, may I say what a useful and well put together forum this is. Thanks for the information I have already gathered by searching these pages.

Anyway, my girlfriend has just put down a deposit on a 2005 1.4 SX, but she has read one or two horror stories regarding cam chains stretching and battery issues. I have told her that these are probably isolated cases, but could anyone give me any more information? Is the 1.4 camshaft chain-driven? That seems pretty unusual for a modern supermini. Either way (belt or chain), soes this need replacing as a matter of course at a particular mileage, or just if it starts to rattle?

Also, is there anything else we should look out for mechanically?

Many thanks in advance for your help.
hi imperator

i think you,ll find most cam,s are chain driven nowaday,s, the symptom,s of chain stretch are engine cutting out and uneven running (because the vari-valve cam sensor becomes out of sync with the crank sensor, iirc), and the best way to check, is to measure the chain tensioner throw (10mm max).
i would advise getting that checked, to avoid a £1000 bill grr
Thanks Frank. She's having it checked over by a mechanic at the weekend, so I will tell him to look for this in particular. Thanks for the advice. Anything else we should look out for?

i think they,ve had quality of electric,s problems, the rac forum and ilexa forum are a good source of info :)
i've had my SX since 2006, the only big thing i have replaced is the auxiliary belt because it squeeked proper loud at start up and apart from that it has just been regulars services etc and nothing more.

in addition, according to the members the airbag light does like to come on once in a while or when the battery gets disconnected.

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