I've got an N-reg 1.0l Hollywood Micra, which I've had for about 2 months now. 120k miles on the clock.
Over the last week or so, it has developed an increasingly noisy transmission. I'm planning to start by checking the gearbox oil level. The car is currently up on axle stands, and I've had a look under and over the gearbox, and eventually found the speedo cable entry. I've had a few attempts at undoing the speedo cable, but I've not yet worked out how to get enough pressure on it to undo it. From reading this forum, I'm going to have a go at just undoing the 10mm nut and removing the whole lot in one go.
Once I've got the speedo cable removed, how do I tell whether the level is correct or not? The Haynes manual seems to make it over-complicated - is there an easy way to tell?
Looking under the gearbox, there seems to be a lot of oil over the gear-lever linkages - is it likely that it's leaking from the gearbox?
Pretty much since I've had the car, there's always been a very distinct "hot oil" smell both through the ventilation, and also outside the car when I've been driving for more than 10 minutes. Is this likely to be connected?
On top of this, I've got a clunking noise when turning hard right at low speeds - is this indicative of the right-hand CV joint needing replacing? I had a look at the boot while the car was on the axle stands, and there seems to be signs of it cracking/splitting in one of the 'valleys' of the boot.
Over the last week or so, it has developed an increasingly noisy transmission. I'm planning to start by checking the gearbox oil level. The car is currently up on axle stands, and I've had a look under and over the gearbox, and eventually found the speedo cable entry. I've had a few attempts at undoing the speedo cable, but I've not yet worked out how to get enough pressure on it to undo it. From reading this forum, I'm going to have a go at just undoing the 10mm nut and removing the whole lot in one go.
Once I've got the speedo cable removed, how do I tell whether the level is correct or not? The Haynes manual seems to make it over-complicated - is there an easy way to tell?
Looking under the gearbox, there seems to be a lot of oil over the gear-lever linkages - is it likely that it's leaking from the gearbox?
Pretty much since I've had the car, there's always been a very distinct "hot oil" smell both through the ventilation, and also outside the car when I've been driving for more than 10 minutes. Is this likely to be connected?
On top of this, I've got a clunking noise when turning hard right at low speeds - is this indicative of the right-hand CV joint needing replacing? I had a look at the boot while the car was on the axle stands, and there seems to be signs of it cracking/splitting in one of the 'valleys' of the boot.