1.0 to 1.3 internal swap

Hi what is needed besides a 1.3L crank and rods to convert the 1.0L to a 1.3L? Ecu? flywheel? throttle body? or will most of these bits work off the 1.0L? also if anyone could PM me with a price for the crank and rods just to give me a guideline price please :)
oh okay thats perfect, ill probably use a cg10 facelift gearbox so the 1.0L fly? how much do they normally go for around here as i think i may put teh ga16 swap for a later date :) also if i have the pistons out of the cg10 i guess the block will need to be honed and new piston rings for the pistons?
the 98 to 2000 1.0 f/w is a bit lighter than the 1.3 one, and cranks rarely get sold really (you may be best to buy a complete 1.3 engine)
and i would hone the bores personally (especially if they are glazed)
well thats the problem it would be easier and probably cheaper for me to go to england and buy a whole 1.3 micra for the money id pay for a 1.3 engine(provided i could even find one) because the 1.3's are very rare here, ive only seen 3 being aadvertised for sale in the past 2 years :(
im looking for swap to 1.3 too, does it plug and play? i means electronic /ecu, just im talking about engine, still using 1.0 tranny.

hi Frank, 95 year is my car, found a Super S in yunkyard for good price, so not sure if wiring is the same as super S, got form that car yesterday the cluster and installed into my 1.0 and works great, asked for engine and i can get it for good price, not sure if getting only engine ( block/head complete, intake manifold, exhaust manifold and ECU) will be plug and play as the cluster one i installed.

sorry for my ignorance but wouldnt it be easier to fit a whole 1.3 engine as aposed to swapping the innerds? sounds like alot of wasted time to me
sorry for my ignorance but wouldnt it be easier to fit a whole 1.3 engine as aposed to swapping the innerds? sounds like alot of wasted time to me

yes if you just only wanted a 1.3.

By swapping the innards and keeping the 1.0 pistons the C/R is higher than the standard 1.3, IIRC
yes if you just only wanted a 1.3.

By swapping the innards and keeping the 1.0 pistons the C/R is higher than the standard 1.3, IIRC

so is the crown design different on the 1000cc to the 1300cc to give higher c/r wouldnt a 1300cc with 1000cc pistons work easier or is the bore different?? as crank and rods would reduce the throw increasing displacement im presuming the rods are shorter hence bigger displacement?
I have no idea. Franks the man to speak to on this subject really. Just mentioning what ive heard...
what about wiring? do i can swap 1.3 on my 1.0 micra just replacing ecu with 1.3 engine? or do i have to make some changes on wiring?
what about wiring? do i can swap 1.3 on my 1.0 micra just replacing ecu with 1.3 engine? or do i have to make some changes on wiring?

i swapped the engine only on mine, and yes the 1.0 pistons are the same dimensions but flat-top (giving a c/r of about 12:1 iirc)
, and yes the 1.0 pistons are the same dimensions but flat-top (giving a c/r of about 12:1 iirc)
so why not stick a 1300cc with 1000cc pistons in saves pulling two sets of cranks off when you'll only need pop the head off remove the bigend caps pop the pistons out swap crowns pop back in
so why not stick a 1300cc with 1000cc pistons in saves pulling two sets of cranks off when you'll only need pop the head off remove the bigend caps pop the pistons out swap crowns pop back in

yes you can, but you have a block with a CG13 engine code then tho eh
i swapped the engine only on mine, and yes the 1.0 pistons are the same dimensions but flat-top (giving a c/r of about 12:1 iirc)

im talking swap complete engine, not the internals, i means swap 1.0 to 1.3 complete engine, replace the complete engine, i was wondering if 1.0 and 1.3 use the same wiring, i assume different ecu of course...not sure if you understand what i means.
sorry for my ignorance but wouldnt it be easier to fit a whole 1.3 engine as aposed to swapping the innerds? sounds like alot of wasted time to me

yes but you keep the cg10 engine code and insurance :)

so is the crown design different on the 1000cc to the 1300cc to give higher c/r wouldnt a 1300cc with 1000cc pistons work easier or is the bore different?? as crank and rods would reduce the throw increasing displacement im presuming the rods are shorter hence bigger displacement?

yes the crown is different, the 1.3 ones are dished and the 1.0 ones are flat topped
yes but you keep the cg10 engine code and insurance :)

yes the crown is different, the 1.3 ones are dished and the 1.0 ones are flat topped

That's what I thought on both accounts, still the insurance difference between 1000cc & 1300cc can't be that vast there only a few bhp difference plus if the insurance caught wind of this I'd imagine they'd clamp down hard
That's what I thought on both accounts, still the insurance difference between 1000cc & 1300cc can't be that vast there only a few bhp difference plus if the insurance caught wind of this I'd imagine they'd clamp down hard

you would be surprised with the insurance difference between 1000cc and 1300cc in Ireland mate
That's what I thought on both accounts, still the insurance difference between 1000cc & 1300cc can't be that vast there only a few bhp difference plus if the insurance caught wind of this I'd imagine they'd clamp down hard

i agree with what you just said, in standard form, but you ring up the insurance for your 1 litre standard micra and tell them its had an engine swap, then things get interesting,

back in the day i could insure my 1 litre k10 for £x and a standard 1.2 for about £50 more, but my standard 1 litre with the 1.2 into it, was about £200 more or something stupid.

So if you wanted to turbo 1000cc you can lower the compression by fitting the 1300cc pistons

yes i can see that working, for even lower compression you could also machine the crown down a bit like i did in my cg stroker engine. i fitted the 1.4 crank, and had to machine the pistons as they poked out of the top of the block.
i agree with what you just said, in standard form, but you ring up the insurance for your 1 litre standard micra and tell them its had an engine swap, then things get interesting,

back in the day i could insure my 1 litre k10 for £x and a standard 1.2 for about £50 more, but my standard 1 litre with the 1.2 into it, was about £200 more or something stupid.

yes i can see that working, for even lower compression you could also machine the crown down a bit like i did in my cg stroker engine. i fitted the 1.4 crank, and had to machine the pistons as they poked out of the top of the block.

ah yes transplanted engines do end up being more

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