1.0 e 2003 stereo removal

can an one give me advice to remove my stereo in my micra i have look at other posts however it looks like i have to remove the whole dash is there away of removing the stereo with out doing this as i plan to re use my stanard stereo in this car as i need to remove it as my child has put a pound coin in it and i need to get it out as it is effecting the speakers some how. can any one help me cause i cant afford to pay any one to do it and i need to do it soon any help will be appreciated and i will try any thing i can carry on with out my stereo i can get it lose but that it there must be another fixing some where please help me i cant even get it with tweezers thank you if any one has any pictures of this it will help thanks

stereo removal

i have seen this previously does any one know if this is the only way to remove it if not i will have to try this thank you for the advice and why cant nissan install a radio where u only need to use radio pullers and a stadard format dam them why cant they make it simple

yer i agree but it dont make it easy for us to change them any way all chavs shoul be shipped out of the country and sent some where else
because the just cause problems

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