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  1. 160SR2006

    How do you switch off the service reminder notification?

    I had my service carried out but dealer forgot to reset the reminder. The way to reset is to switch the iginion on, when the spanner icon shows press both reset sticks down on your dashboard until it resets at 9k / 12k etc. You have to press both sticks as soon as the spanner icon shows.
  2. 160SR2006

    160SR Help!

    Thanks Matt I will try and find the lube to spray on it, will WD40 do?
  3. 160SR2006

    160SR Help!

    I changed my fan belt last year and the squeaking noise is back again and I cannot be bothered to change again. Never ever Nissan again, dealer experience aweful.
  4. 160SR2006

    Keyfob 433mhz interferance

    My keyfob does not work on my drive and works everywhere else away from my drive. My neighbour has a K12 and surprise surprise she has the same problem, she call AA and all keys batteries were checked seemed ok. Our door bell which works on 433 mhz also does not work. Weird!!! anyone experienced...
  5. 160SR2006

    Key fob-temperamental - Is the battery dead

    My key fob did not work to open the door today, tried spare key, but no luck. Drove away from home, keyfob works. Everytime I get home key fails to work, and when away from home it worked. Any idea if battery is dying in the key, or anybody else had same problem, how much am I looking into to...
  6. 160SR2006

    please help with radio problem and parcel shelf

    nice photo of your car mate, especially the number 'M1 CRA'
  7. 160SR2006

    MPG for our K12s!

    Never reset my trip computer, done 35k and average 40.3 at the moment, I remember it used to be 42mpg at low mileage. Have custom exhaust,and i like the 3rd gear at 3000 rpm, sounds fierce
  8. 160SR2006

    Problem before warranty ran out

    Got first MOT last week , a few days before warranty ran out, and guess what they/we found out... radiator was leaking...quick to dealer and got it fixed...fingers crossed now
  9. 160SR2006

    Happy 3 years anniversary to my 06

    Got first MOT last week , a few days before warranty ran out, and guess what they/we found out... radiator was leaking...quick to dealer and got it fixed...fingers crossed now
  10. 160SR2006

    K12 Exhaust

    £350, powerlow mid box back box, twin pipe in the centre, looks lovely
  11. 160SR2006

    headlight help -alignment and replacement!

    Got it fixed by the dealer when I had my M3 service done, they said they had to take the whole unit out to fix it. Dont think they charged me, however the M3 service + two new tyres set me back £585, but engine is purring with pleasure now. They did not tick the sparks plug box on the checklist...
  12. 160SR2006

    handbrake adjustment

    Since I bought my brand new car in 2006, have always pressed the button while pulling the handbrake up, so i never hear how many clicks...Its something I learnt from my driving instructor, he probably did it to save the wear and tear of the rachet
  13. 160SR2006

    headlight help -alignment and replacement!

    I have the same problem, managed to change the bulb, but could not put the spring back, and beams are not aligned....
  14. 160SR2006

    Micra P1 Service?

    My 2006 1.6 is due for its P2 at 24k, even on a P2 they dont do much apart from oil and filter change, anything else is only visual check, which cost around £195 at Nissan. On the other hand I can get a full level 3 service at KwikFit for £124 where they do what Nissan would do for their P3...
  15. 160SR2006

    annoying belt sound plus some advise needed

    They say the fan belt needed changing. £22 belt £20 labour plus VAT and courtesy car insurance £5. All repaired for £55. Noise gone, hopefully tomorrow morning the noise does not come back.
  16. 160SR2006

    annoying belt sound plus some advise needed

    Same problem with my car. Am leaving the car with dealer tomorrow so that they can start the motor from cold and see whats causing the squeak under the bonnet. Will update you what they say.
  17. 160SR2006

    Do I need to replace my brake pads at 18000?

    I am not sure, what it is, feels like at low speed brake the pads vibrates like abs kicking in. I drive quite sensibly and brake sensibly. The disk has a lip very thin though. Car has done 18k miles, at 12000 service dealer said brake pads were ok. Anyone replaced pads at 18k or less?:confused:
  18. 160SR2006

    Slipping Fanbelt - Warranty?

    My 1.6 SR 2006:mad: belt or something in the engine bay started sqealing before its first servicing at 12000 miles when cold.Nissan dealer said there is no problem, now at 18000 it sqeals a lot when cold. Dunno what to do since by the time I will take to dealer the sqeal stops.
  19. 160SR2006

    re: ELIA twin-pipe exhausts

    Thanks for the side stickers, the back ones are only there to cover a nasty scratch on the back bumper.:k12red:
  20. 160SR2006

    Photo's of Members K12's
