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  1. superls

    k11 performance brake upgrade

    yeah mate
  2. superls

    ma10 and ma12 compatable

    how come i ran a MA10 dizzy on a MA12 engine then?
  3. superls

    K11 Limited editions? How many?

    micra-wave lol classic :)
  4. superls

    ecu talk lcd display

    if i still got it when you have the money its yours :)
  5. superls

    ecu talk lcd display

    you need to check what diagnostic plug you have, is it the rectangular grey one in the fuse box? if so then it will fit. and yes you could do as you suggest, which was my original plan
  6. superls

    few k11 things for sale

    still have it but wont fit a facelift, sorry
  7. superls

    Tips on removing strut top nut

    i did what frank said with mine, was easy
  8. superls

    pulse jet ignition

    bargain, would struggle to make that for the money
  9. superls

    pulse jet ignition

    leave it with me a may be able to knock something up for you :)
  10. superls

    Standard steel wheel centre caps.

    no sorry they are the whole wheel ones
  11. superls

    *Help Needed* Nissan K11 N-CVT Wiring diagram.

    have you got a haynes maunal?
  12. superls

    Standard steel wheel centre caps.

    i have some, i think, stock 13" ones? all there not broken iirc, ill have a look later
  13. superls

    Stolen: Please HELP

    keep your eyes on ebay, advantage it you have pics of your stuff
  14. superls

    dewiperin the back

    while its out, convert it to lay horizontal (20 mins) and put it back in, best of both worlds imo
  15. superls

    pulse jet ignition

    to save the drill (cordless screwdriver) and dizzy, id use a ignition power transistor as found on almost every petrol car after 1992 and before coil packs bacame the rage, the k10 super s had them, then just knock up a 555 timer circuit, (i believe maplin do i kit) then you can pulse it however...
  16. superls

    what did you do to your micra today ?

    6k with a shagged engine, mental and i give it till the weekend before your back up and boosting lol
  17. superls

    Heater Demister...

    ah right, i thought it was something you did in your blue one, it would def work i think
  18. superls

    PollyMobiles Rebuild

    wont do much at all, the 50R bit will only give 2.88 watts of heat. from ohm's law, I=V/r 12/50 = 0.24A p=I2xr = 2.88watts
  19. superls

    Heater Demister...

    i think frank ran a piece of copper tube under the windscreen and piped that to where the heater should go, to clear the window, no fan just convection, not sure how it worked out tho
  20. superls

    *Help Needed* Nissan K11 N-CVT Wiring diagram.

    i would have said one of the accelerator switches would be part throttle for the kick down??