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  1. F


    From watching your cam install video you didn't adjust valve clearances when installing the new cams, this would effect valve timing and therefore compression values, it may be the source of variances between cylinders.
  2. F

    CG13 Mystery Non-Start Issue

    It couldn't be a dodgy earth or a broken connection or wire as it was working before? I've not played with NATS so don't know how it plays up though.
  3. F

    Cylinder 4 running hot

    Why do we care how hot the manifold gets? I can understand the original question as it might indicate a fault but it's not like the manifold is going to melt. The heat shielding I can see as useful to keep heat out of the inlet duct or stop the exhaust heating up the back of the radiator or...
  4. F

    Micra Group A Rally Car

    A GA block bolts up to micra gearboxes so it makes sense the reverse is true, wouldn't seem to help much but there's a North south ga16 in Serena van thing, we didn't get it here (sr20 only here) so it's a dead end for my purposes but maybe they got sold over there. Thought a CG13DE in a datsun...
  5. F

    Gearbox queries...

    If you have a look here: You can go through and find what other cars share that part, things such as casings, bearings etc can give you clues on how similar they are. Each Nissan gearbox has a code, these are shared across the different models the gearbox is used...
  6. F

    1.3 supercharger build

    Could they have been using it for some sort of cold start trickery or as a means of checking or calibrating MAF values. A hotwire MAF heats a wire and tries to hold it at that temp, the more airflow, the more dense the air, the more molecules hit the wire and cool it down the more the power...
  7. F

    Quaife Diff may be available for micra gearbox soon...

    I thought I'd update this thread, There a new group buy quaife order going ahead for the Micra gearbox. Currently over 20 confirmed which gets us a price of £540 before VAT if we can get to 30 the price goes down...
  8. F

    1.3 supercharger build

    It uses a MAF(Mass Air Flow) sensor rather than a MAP(Manifold Air Pressure) sensor, a MAF is able to detect how many air molecules are flowing by, a MAP sensor does pressure but then had to compensate for air density because of temperature or altitude. A MAF is simpler but you do get an inlet...
  9. F

    Rear wiper question

    I remember it took me a while to find the front wiper recently but it made sense when I found it , something like push forwards for the front and pull back for the rear?
  10. F

    My Little Micra

    It was earlier n12 or n13 pulsar I got the shafts from, around n14 I think they went to a larger diameter shaft, some of the other later micras might use the same shaft splines as the k11 micra, I was looking for a small cv that fitted into the n14 etc diff.
  11. F

    My Little Micra

    That's correct in Australia so no CG10DE, or early gearboxes, and no later coil pack engines, we didn't get the facelift micras either. Does make it easier to find a cg13de though... Edit: thinking again, I used a combination of old pulsar shafts, i can't remember if they had the same spline...
  12. F

    My Little Micra

    K13 micra driveshafts have the same inner splines as the K11 of I remember correctly it might be worth seeing if the outer joint suits your purpose. The inner is the same as the pulsar I was trying
  13. F

    Fuel pump out of power

    Afaik there is no electrical fuel pressure cut out just goes into the rail and is returned to the tank if not required using the mechanical fuel pressure regulator on the end of the rail. What I think you're confusing is the cut off after you turn the ignition on the fuel pump primes and will...
  14. F

    what did you do to your micra today ?

    I beg to differ, if you can lock up your brakes under good conditions you don't need bigger brakes, for tracking a car where you are doing repeated hard braking, preventing brake fade due to heat build up is important, so vented disks would be a worthwhile upgrade. Larger disks would take away...
  15. F

    PollyMobiles Rebuild

    Ok, I can see that, I was making the mistake of thinking of the wheel as upright and only looking at kingpin angle and not including camber. Is the axis the same? Obviously it's not here in front of me but having it angled down and inwards towards the centre of the car would allow a greater...
  16. F

    PollyMobiles Rebuild

    The 2 points of importance for a Macpherson strut are the bottom ball joint and the centre of the strut top pillow? bearing. The camber bolts bolting the hub to the strut won't effect kingpin inclination, camber adjustments that move the strut top will though. Here's a better diagram...
  17. F

    PollyMobiles Rebuild

    I was thinking extending the bottom arms would have effected the kingpin angle, (angle of a line from bottom ball joint to strut mount) and so effected the scrub radius, as a result the steering might feel lighter or with less feedback, especially as you've removed a spacer which will also help...
  18. F

    PollyMobiles Rebuild

    I've had similar, not the most enjoyable thing I've had to do, it's easier if it's off centre in the iris rather than the pupil as you don't have to watch the needle coming...
  19. F

    Bypassing Nats

    I think I remember Fusion Motorsports being able to remove NATS from the ECU, they were active I here a while back so might post, certainly I think they could point you in the right direction.
  20. F

    Does anyone know a K11 Micra Guru

    Yeah, I'm afraid I'm not much help here as I'm in Australia, assuming you are in the UK somewhere. I can't see how it could effect spark getting to the plugs, (been wrong before though) I'd do the simple things first and swap / replace leads and spark plugs then have a look at the dizzy cap and...