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    front wheels spinning going around a round about when accelerating

    Quote: "Front wheels spinning skidding at a roundabout when accelerating" A spinning skidding front driven wheel is grossly inefficient at delivering power to drive the vehicle forward never mind accelerate quickly, regardless of a worn out smooth road surface, pot holes, cheap tyres or diesel...
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    LH window: it opens a bit on its own

    Good job, & a good effort. Busy bee well improvised, adapted & overcome a little difficulty. ;)
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    My sentiments exactly regarding my 25 years banger Micra driving in two K10s & my current 1998 K11 Micra. Everything just keeps going as it should with no worries or unexpected expenses with only my simple DIY routine maintenance efforts. Enjoy minimal hassle cheap as chips motoring about as...
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    LH window: it opens a bit on its own

    Never had a window winder regulator fail in my 25 years of running old banger Micras & worth asking Nissan the price if they have any in the country? Otherwise it will be down the scrappers & or online where they will order & get it delivered from any where in the UK that has stock? Good luck...
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    LH window: it opens a bit on its own

    Improvise, adapt & overcome has its limited applications. I fitted a new window regulator (toothed part) to my Merc 230TE some years ago for about £50, a quicker “jobs a goodun” first time & less hassle then welding/filing & a lot cheaper than a day off work? Enjoy the hassle filing teeth...
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    Anyone interested in my trusty 1L 1995 LX 4 door Micra?

    Why? The engine, clutch, brake discs, rear brakes & wheels will be seized solid, rainwater leaks fishponds mouldy inside & all tyres dry rot perished after five years stood idle outside? Scrappers Hiab crane truck reqd. to shift it. :cry:
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    1.5dci poor fuel economy

    Clogged DPF & EGR frequent regeneration & recirculation issues burning extra diesel adversely affect fuel consumption & the sensors plus control valve faults permutations are complex.
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    Water in boot electrics went crazy

    Quote: “Ps yeah guy ripped all front old told me bad bcm and wouldn't be fixable/replaceable” I rather suspect that the mechanic/electrical guy has already rendered your vehicle as scrap & parts? They can maximise profits & commission bonus by selling you another vehicle for loads more money &...
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    Water in boot electrics went crazy

    Optimal minimal cost solution would be to dry out the boot/rear lights electrics, find & fix the boot/lights/hatchback door/roof gutter rain leaks. Do not let mechanics erroneously interfere with the BCM at the front of the vehicle before the rain leaks & rear electrics are dried out &...
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    Changed battery and now the key won't turn in the ignition

    The auto gbox is interlocked with the ECU/ignition/steering lock & it will not start if not in the right position or setting & that signal has to get to & be recognised by ECU/ign/steer lock system. Haynes manual may have more info. A new steering lock will come with its matching key that...
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    End of an Era - 11 years with a K13 DIG-S

    Quote: "Nissan just don't seem to be able to keep up", My 26 year old K11 on 65K has from new original Nissan front discs, exhaust, ancillaries, clutch, suspension assembly & eng/gbox & has never reqd. any MOT/welding thus far! It just keeps going & passing straight thru successive MOTs with...
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    K12 Micra Fault Codes - Powertrain P0037 P0107 P0113 P0444

    May I suggest common electrical fault sources that are well known to the K12 in the public domain all of the multiple sensor codes such as low voltage & corroded fuse links, wire connectors & common earth faults as where to focus inspect, test & assess as follows? Quote “01-05-2011: But worth...
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    End of an Era - 11 years with a K13 DIG-S

    Quote: “Sorry Nissan, you just don't cut it for us any more”! Seconded here. Renault Nissan appears to have lost the minimal hassle motoring plot from the K12 onwards to this day? Specifically what is it that they do not understand about the word micra ( µ ) with the K14 µ? :confused: Good...
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    Micra DIG-S rough idle / stalling

    After all of the Dig-s brain teasing entertainment foibles and frailties encountered, I am curious as to what will replace it & why for future less hassle motoring? Needless to say I have enjoyed your many informative threads over the years . :)
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    PollyMobiles Rebuild

    Many thanks & good info food for reflection. My 26 year old K11 on 65K has original Nissan front discs, exhaust, ancillaries, clutch, & eng/gbox & has never reqd any MOT/welding! It just keeps going & passing straight thru successive MOTs with no advisories, only my simple basic DIY...
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    PollyMobiles Rebuild

    Quote: “discs have a noticable rusty lip but feeling little weak” curious? Pictures of said discs with lip & brand, age & useage is of considerable interest please?
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    I need help: how to remove the windshield wiper arms? (for water leaking investigation)

    Excellent DIY work & full marks for perseverance chasing down all the sources of leaks! Well done. :)
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    2004 K12 1.216v SX not revving properly at high end

    Quicker & cheaper to simply interchange the apparently misfiring no 4 coil for one of either cyls no 1, 2, or 3 coils to test if the apparent misfire fault code shifts? Our juddering, shuddering & kangarooing Micra was tamed with the TB mass air flow sensor unplugged & it drove ok with the...
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    2004 K12 1.216v SX not revving properly at high end

    A quick cheap suitable test now would be to unplug the mass airflow sensor at the throttle body & test drive to check if the rev limiting shuddering misfire is reduced? It will flag a fault code engine check light that will shortly reset itself when the mass air sensor is reconnected after a...
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    Changed battery and now the key won't turn in the ignition

    WD40 will do too help get over the immediate issue & I have used it for many years without graphite powder but graphite powder & WD40 may clog up into a mess as has been stated by others. Some master locksmiths can identify the key number from the worn key blade profile & then cut a new key...