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  1. mullet

    scottish meet at strathclyde park??

    ha ha ha thats a bit harsh butr true the las one was on valintines day was it not lol ?
  2. mullet

    Fitting a boot release catch

    emm a socket set :P 9 think its mainley 10s and 12s best bet a socket set and a shifter (for the fuel reluese catch) maby a set of pliers just incase also a flat head and a philips as there always hindy if you see something else :D
  3. mullet

    Stani's 1.0l 5 Door!!

    sweet! :D
  4. mullet

    Stani's 1.0l 5 Door!!

    that is looking pretty sweet :D i look forward to seeing it at some point :D
  5. mullet

    Fitting a boot release catch

    it took about 10 mins but the interior was half removed already not a big job though
  6. mullet

    scottish meet at strathclyde park??

    is this the definate date? im sure there will be more comming best thing is to start a list :P add your name to the list as we go along :D (copy and paste the list with your name added) 1) weestar84 2) Mullet
  7. mullet

    england k12

    i dont think the title is quite right though as its a "british" flag made up from 3 crosses representing scotland (st andrews cross) england (st georges cross) and ireland (St. Patrick's Cross) as ive noticed this is a comon misconseption that it is an english flag where as it represents most...
  8. mullet

    Fitting a boot release catch

    i did it to mines not much work just taking the cable out and follow the route bolt in the lock (boot lid and on the frame) then it goes to the fuel relice peice of cake ha ha :p
  9. mullet

    Mintyfresh's Black K11 Super S

    i used fishing line to cut the glue away from the strip and car then a morrisons fuel card to remove the mosr part of the leftover then rubbed it with white spirret but i probs wouldnt advise the card part as it scratched the car quide badley i would imagine a toffee wheel would be best and then...
  10. mullet


    that sounds like an exelent idea as the solder tends not to stay in place ha ha
  11. mullet

    scottish meet at strathclyde park??

    that sounds like a good idea couple of times a year diffrent photo locations:P
  12. mullet

    my k10

    ha ha ha sounds like an ides better sort all the rusty bits first then :P
  13. mullet

    Bumhats - just bent metal though.

    ohh that looks a sore one so long as your ok and no one was hurt i go have a bumper but its all the way up here and has parts of the grille cut out where i had spots
  14. mullet

    my k10

    car looks pretty god dam clean i like it :D what is the price list?
  15. mullet

    scottish meet at strathclyde park??

    ha ha ha i shouldnt promise anything but im sure i will be ha ha
  16. mullet

    scottish meet at strathclyde park??

    yip sounds like a plan :D ill be there
  17. mullet

    how many scottish members left?

    sounds like a good idea im not organising it as im jinx myself and cant make it ha ha
  18. mullet

    how many scottish members left?

    i think its been about a year since the last one i arranged and never attended ha ha so yea lets to another one ha ha
  19. mullet

    how many scottish members left?

    welcome troops :D
  20. mullet

    Removing Rear Seat ?

    where the seat clips into the front of the bench the wee plastic bits if yo ustick a flat head in and wiggle it was the way that worked for me ha ha