Search results

  1. mullet

    mig welder needed (scotland)

    as the title suggests im in need of a mig welder if anyone has one to borrow that would be lovley i have a big dirty hole in my boo and will be redoing my sills :suspect: its just the machine ill need i wont need gas or wire as i can get that no problem :D cheers folks Mullet :D
  2. mullet

    Mongol Rally

    is it defos a micra then as u mentiond it to be 4x4 what about the subaru justy thats a 1.3 with 4wd and can come in a 5 door but good luck to you with whatever your wepon of choice may be
  3. mullet

    Just Signed up :/

    welcome but the link doesnt work :p
  4. mullet

    scottish meet at strathclyde park??

    is it this one?,-4.064941&sspn=10.000047,39.506836&ie=UTF8&hq=Strathclyde+Country+Park&hnear=&ll=55.796915,-4.033881&spn=0.002322,0.013733&t=h&z=17
  5. mullet

    scottish meet at strathclyde park??

    kool stuffs sounds good :D
  6. mullet

    scottish meet at strathclyde park??

    there it is then :D
  7. mullet

    scottish meet at strathclyde park??

    i donno which one that is but yea why not :D
  8. mullet

    Stani's 1.0l 5 Door!!

    ahh right fairenough
  9. mullet

    Fitting a boot release catch

    i just used some self tappers and screwed them into some holed i drilled the screws that hold on the center consol are ideal u also might need to cut a hole in the carpet
  10. mullet

    Just a hi

    looks kool man welcome
  11. mullet

    scottish meet at strathclyde park??

    what ever carpark is least busy?
  12. mullet

    scottish meet at strathclyde park??

    say 12 then and whatever carpark :D
  13. mullet

    scottish meet at strathclyde park??

    i thionk maby lunch time might be better ?
  14. mullet

    epic fiat fail !!

    ha ha ha what a tool lol
  15. mullet

    Stani's 1.0l 5 Door!!

    looking sweet man any luck with the sale of the lexus?
  16. mullet

    scottish meet at strathclyde park??

    sounds good to me :D
  17. mullet

    scottish meet at strathclyde park??

    ha ha a meet and eat i like it ha ha i need to be carefull of moneies as i have a holiday to pay for and dates would be good do we bring our own or are the provided for us? :laugh::blush: poor joke i know
  18. mullet

    mckenzie's S12

    dam no chocolate for me :(
  19. mullet

    mckenzie's S12

    plate changed add reflector removed do i get a chocolate now? :D
  20. mullet

    Fitting a boot release catch

    i aldo had to drill some holes in the car to install it though nut there is a plate where it would be in the same place