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  1. mullet

    I think my car has eaten my phone - Please help!

    i took my rear bench out and found 74p :P
  2. mullet

    K11 internal light fuse?

    the cig lighter one i think it might be just pull them all out one at a time and check :P
  3. mullet

    reverse light not working

    fit a on off switch to it and just turn is on and off when required i think i might be needing to do that ha ha
  4. mullet

    'women can no longer be charged lower car insurance premiums than men'

    i think this is only fair my sister on the same car as me(nelly used to be hers) at my age for her first year was something silly like £500 and my cheepest was £1117 im all for this :D
  5. mullet

    Mark's 1.0L

    sweet whats the part with all the zipties under the immobiliser led?
  6. mullet

    just saying hello

  7. mullet

    Angry thread, something you've just got to get out? Do it here.

    my hangover this morning it makes my head hurt :(
  8. mullet

    T in the park

    ha ha ha blink :P man the saturdays ill be there with my jaw to the floor :P i might see u there shero
  9. mullet

    3 word story game

    in engine oil
  10. mullet

    Hoodedreeper's K11 RELOADED!!

    ohh they look tasty :D
  11. mullet

    T in the park

    ha ha thats the main reason im going :D and to see tom jones :laugh:
  12. mullet

    T in the park

    whos all going then i got my ticket early:D
  13. mullet

    Happy thread, Whats made you happy today.

    the t in the park line up woop woop :D
  14. mullet

    !!..Stani's BIG For Sale Thread..!!

    thats 2 and a half grands worth of parts :) why did i book that holiday :(
  15. mullet

    Site down :(

    i though it was my comp is it really slow though?
  16. mullet

    Angry thread, something you've just got to get out? Do it here.

    HAVING NAE MONEY cos i have to save for a holiday
  17. mullet

    My little K11

    i think i seen that on ebay or auto trader or something recentley did the chap not buy it for someone to learn in and they kept failing tests? lol
  18. mullet

    3 word story game

    three wee seahorses
  19. mullet

    bmx for sale all parts up for grabs

    its alredy on gumtree lol ha ha i wasnt even born in 89 :laugh:
  20. mullet

    3 word story game

    COPY AND PASTE THIS! (makes it easier to read :P) ONCE UPON A.....monkeys hairy back simple simon asked What's a micra? he shrugged his hairy butt cheeks with a little Sigh of relief Slipped a finger into his eye blaah,,,,, were's me pipe "he splurted out" ha ha ha spraying snott and screaming...