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  1. mullet

    grrrrrrrrf! I hate scum!!!

    lol im slightlry confused ha ha fwn
  2. mullet

    grrrrrrrrf! I hate scum!!!

    why thank you :D there out of a super s the best £30 i ever spent :D
  3. mullet

    DizzySpell's 1.3LX

    that looks awesome loving the white wide steelies and super low-nes :D
  4. mullet

    grrrrrrrrf! I hate scum!!!

    ha ha on the really bright side i had a convertible for a day ha ha ha
  5. mullet

    Micra Not Starting!

    when you try to start it does the battery light dim down?
  6. mullet

    grrrrrrrrf! I hate scum!!!

    well thats it sorted now got a tailgate from the scrappys for £40 its not quite the same colour but hey ho :D
  7. mullet

    Angry thread, something you've just got to get out? Do it here.

    people smashing my rear window and NOT even stealing anything ring stains!
  8. mullet

    rear windscreen replacement

    i can get a boot lid down my way for £30 inc glass and i dont really have any way of getting out that way
  9. mullet

    rear windscreen replacement

    so you think i might just be better changing the screen then ?
  10. mullet

    rear windscreen replacement

    as you may have seen some torag smashed my rear window so im just wondering if its worth while changing just the window or just the full boot lid? and how would i go about replacing the screen? cheers mullet
  11. mullet


    my sister had one of these for her firs car not the rs just a mk 3 lol it was pretty cool
  12. mullet

    grrrrrrrrf! I hate scum!!!

    i hope carma is in the from of a bus
  13. mullet

    grrrrrrrrf! I hate scum!!!

    cheers guys aww dam stani i was through that way last sat as well ha ha cheers any way heres some photos
  14. mullet

    grrrrrrrrf! I hate scum!!!

    got woke up not long ago by my girlfriends mum as she heard a window smash out side this window turns out to be mines some scummy piece of sh!t has smashed my boot window and not even robbed me thats the worsd part the sat nav was still there the cd player even some bmx parts that were on the...
  15. mullet

    Project Turtle the Turquoise Miicra!

  16. mullet

    Angry thread, something you've just got to get out? Do it here.

    single speeds are not cool :P its a 20 year old bike and i just recentley got it and that was the first run it had lol but ill have it fixed soon :D
  17. mullet

    HELP: micra sounding like a subaru

    anything alse i should maby check?
  18. mullet

    HELP: micra sounding like a subaru

    the back box is les than 3 months old so i cant imagine its that ill try tyhe plugs and replace the dizzy cap and arm (the arm is less than 2 years old though ) anyway as the probs need done ha ha
  19. mullet

    HELP: micra sounding like a subaru

    hello all this has recentley developed it used to be whenever it was wet and i had hit a few puddles but now it does it on start up it has that subaru burble which im pretty sure isnt normal i do have a blow in the exhaust but i dont think that would contribute much any help appreciated...
  20. mullet

    Painting door handles and side mirrors

    get two and you always have some for extra bits if u want to colour code anything else