Recent content by Mach1

  1. Mach1

    Brakes (and Oil)

    Have you checked the rear drum brakes, I have just serviced mine after various noises and had to remove with hydraulic press as shoes had worn into drum.Brake noises can be difficult to locate if the problem is intermittent so go through jacking each wheel up and checking for binding and...
  2. Mach1

    Is it possible to add external temperature read-out to a 2006 K12 Initia?

    My readout was OK , then one day gave up the ghost including fuel calculator and temp coolant light, these are built into the dash and to replace would be expensive, so visiting a scrap yard may have a faulty dash so be careful, I would go with a dash OBD2 readout attached to dash and fit a...
  3. Mach1

    K12 wiper linkage

    A Happy Christmas to all on the forum, lets hope 2025 will be full of motoring joy.?
  4. Mach1

    K12 wiper linkage

    I still use the original arms and service every year with a touch of grease on the joints, i also use the sliding clips and split pin this holds the joints from popping out ,the passenger side tends to get water ingress in this area and that's starts the drying out and rust in the joint leading...
  5. Mach1

    K12 micra running rough/not starting

    I had a bad patch of rough idling on my Suzuki (my Micra is diesel) however your problems seem to mirror my problems and as electronics run the engine management I hope the following might help: your problem may lie in the bottom crank sensor also top cam sensor or a combination of both, these...
  6. Mach1


    I use, try adding a dash cam and lower annual mileage plus upping the voluntary excess some times works, also safe parking at night. good luck;)
  7. Mach1

    Timing chain or something else ?

    The older a car gets the chance of electrical terminal oxidation often throws up gremlines in the system, the other year I went through all the connectors on my Micra and cleaned and sprayed all with electrical contact cleaner. There was some problems on early K12 petrol models suffering from...
  8. Mach1

    Replacement ABS unit - programming needed?

    very interesting read, been abroad and have missed a lot but have a cross reference of ABS pumps for future reference if any one encounters problems. thanks for the updated info. :unsure:
  9. Mach1

    K11 Alternator Bolt Seized (Solutions?)

    Looking at your problem, I would advice you to leave the bolt, and remove the bolts from the steel plate connecting to the engine, lift the whole unit out with bracket attached, you can then warm up this bolt with a blow torch (now it is out of the engine bay), Most bolts on the Micra cars are...
  10. Mach1

    1.5dci poor fuel economy

    How have you gone on with the poor economy? any updates would be appreciated.?
  11. Mach1

    Onboard computer? Can I see fuel economy?

    My Micra had the fuel consumption in the dash along with the trip and blue engine light when engine was cold but they stopped working some years ago and only left with trip options, as it would mean a complete dash change I opted for an OBD readout on a permanent basis and haven't looked back...
  12. Mach1

    Nissan micra k12 2004 one litre

    Try the fuel upgrade first before digging deeper, there is a common fault on certain petrol Micra's that effected the efficient running of the engine that originally surfaced as cam and crank sensor faults, however this was due to poor quality cam chains which stretched causing the timing to be...
  13. Mach1

    Stereo stuck on CZEK IH

    Try google search, there is plenty of by pass techniques for your type of radio on there, you may also wish to consider changing the unit for a 1 din radio of ebay, they are cheap and upto date with bluetooth and usb/aux connections, easy to change with a loom adaptor which is also cheap.:unsure:
  14. Mach1

    Nissan micra k12 2004 one litre

    Part of the refurbishment last year meant I had to remove the wiper mechanism and casing to gain access to my turbo, but when I replaced all this I took of the wiper linkages of and greased the knuckles and reassembled with retaining clips to stop the linkage arms from coming loose, however...
  15. Mach1

    Nissan micra k12 2004 one litre

    I can only give you general advice as my micra is diesel one one the best micra's they built (for a diesel), however I own a few petrol Suzuki's and had similar problems of engine dying and reluctant to start complete with awful fuel economy, I keep my motors in tip top condition mechanically...