Recent content by Joshyboy95

  1. J

    Year of Manufacturing

    Hi all, Apologies if this has been answered a 1000 times but I can't find any info on it. I need to get a new key cut for my UK nissan Micra and it has a transponder chip so I need to know the year of Manufacturing for this. My VIN 10th character is U which I keep getting told is not a...
  2. J

    Changing Fuse Box

    I'd love to see and image of this and also how you got the damn bottom of the fuse box off to expose the wire in and out of the fuse to be able to add an inline fuse. I nearly took a hammer to the bloody plastic casing earlier as it was driving me to insanity!
  3. J

    Removing the bottom section to the fuse box

    Hi all, So my front left headlight isn't working. I have check the fuse itself, the relay, the ground connection and then found the voltage drops under load so want to remove the bottom of the fuse box to remove the wires leading to the headlight. The issue is I can't get the damn box apart...
  4. J

    Nissan Micra S - Headlight levelling motor broken

    Can the headlight level be adjusted manually in my car? I've been told if it can I can just adjust both of them to the correct level and that will be a pass?
  5. J

    Nissan Micra S - Headlight levelling motor broken

    Yeah the issue there is I've called and emailed about 10 scrapyard. Only 2 got back and said they didn't have any k11s. It's also the issue of time as I don't really have another spare £40 for an MOT retake if I fall outside the 10 days. I was hoping I could buy an after market piece but not...
  6. J

    Nissan Micra S - Headlight levelling motor broken

    Hi guys, My Nissan Micra S just failed it's MOT due to the headlight levelling motor being broken. I need to find a replacement but am a bit lost as to what it is I need and if it is easy to source a genuine part. Can aftermarket ones be okay for this? I need to try and replace it within...
  7. J

    Issues with my Micra s k11(2000)

    Thanks for all the advice guys, I will try to source a genuine one from a scrapyard. As my MOT is coming up in weeks and I doubt I'll be able to source one by then do you reckon it would be alright to get a cheap one for the MOT or should I go with one of the brands you suggestd?
  8. J

    Issues with my Micra s k11(2000)

    Hi Maarten, Sorry for the last reply, I was trying to source a diagnostic kit. My Micra has a removable maf sensor as I have replace once already but with a #### after market one. Do you know where I can source a genuine Bosch one? The error codes I received were P0100 and P0171. Thanks for...
  9. J

    Issues with my Micra s k11(2000)

    Hi guys, I am the proud owner of a Nissan Micra k11 sport and was wondering if you could help with en engine light that's come on. The mechanic said it's something to do with the mad sensor or throttle body but I'm hesitant to trust him entirely as there were a few things he was wrong about...