Hello !!
I see Your post about Aircon in Micra K11. I mount that all yestardy . But i cant find the plug to the klimacompressor. My micra is K11 Supers 94r. Can You tell me that micra k11 have completly electrical instalation for the Air Con ? i found on my micra : fuses , plug to aircon fan , plug to the high/low pressure near front bumper , pluf to the high/low? presure under console , brown transmitter to the klima , plug to the AC swith in console..
I mount them all , fill clima with freon , when press AC button nothing happens
only on AC switch are blue led active. Is there thing which i missed to mount ?????????
I dont find kable from klima compressor
(?? where that must be ?? Please help me if You Can.. And sorry for my not good english , im from Poland
Best Regards - Lukasz