EPS Power steering column, what ACTUALLY goes wrong?

@huttojb OK thank you. I'll speak to my garage. The EPS has failed multiple times recently (and is becoming more frequent) requiring a garage to reset the fault each time to re-enable the steering. I assumed they would be related as the car was last serviced in December.
Yeah, at some point the eps will become a hard fault and you won’t be able to reset. Obviously it’s currently an intermittent fault. If you’re keeping the car it maybe worth changing. Otherwise the car is becoming more less economical to repair these days so maybe not worth it!
Let me know if you need an eps, I’ll be able to help you out so it’s a straight swap without getting the NATs issue, but I would advise to sort your engine light out first though.
Hi Jason. I have the same problem with the power steering. Sometimes I get the red light, but almost always the steering wheel is stiff at first. Not really sure how or why, but sometimes it works okay after a while, like if I drive for a bit and start it up again. Do you think you could help me? I'm in Doncaster but wouldn't mind the drive to Birmingham
sure, though I need to fix something else at it first; maybe you could have a look in a couple weeks?

Edit: the steering drive gave in yesterday. As a tried to steer with no PS the steering wheel gave out and just didn't connect with the car wheels anymore. I had to spin it one way for about 20 seconds before the wheels would turn too. Had a mechanic look it up today and there's nothing he can do since it's an electrical problem. So it's not really safe to drive so I can't come your way anymore in the near future at least :/
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sure, though I need to fix something else at it first; maybe you could have a look in a couple weeks?

Edit: the steering drive gave in yesterday. As a tried to steer with no PS the steering wheel gave out and just didn't connect with the car wheels anymore. I had to spin it one way for about 20 seconds before the wheels would turn too. Had a mechanic look it up today and there's nothing he can do since it's an electrical problem. So it's not really safe to drive so I can't come your way anymore in the near future at least :/
That’s really unusual, there is a mechanic link on the steering. The steering is powered ASSIST, but there is a direct link between the steering wheel and steering rack. You have something else happening here! Sounds like someone has messed with the system and got it ‘really’ wrong!
That’s really unusual, there is a mechanic link on the steering. The steering is powered ASSIST, but there is a direct link between the steering wheel and steering rack. You have something else happening here! Sounds like someone has messed with the system and got it ‘really’ wrong!
Seems likely. The Halfords mechanic mentioned that there was some evidence of somebody messing with it in the past. I'm surprised the steering wheel even works now tbh since the connection to the wheels was somehow interrupted (luckily I was just trying to leave the parking space and wasn't actually driving). The wheel is just in a wrong position now (basically upside down) and it needs tracking, but it the wheels turn just fine when I steer. I'm obviously not gonna try driving it around town tho.
Sorry to jump on this thread but I get the NATS light on after about 5 minutes of driving. The PS unit was replaced maybe 3 years ago and this has been happening since. Can I get this resolved anyway. I am on N.Ireland and panicking of my battery dies I will be stranded
Sorry to jump on this thread but I get the NATS light on after about 5 minutes of driving. The PS unit was replaced maybe 3 years ago and this has been happening since. Can I get this resolved anyway. I am on N.Ireland and panicking of my battery dies I will be stranded
I can only fix it by either plugging into the car or the unit it self. I cannot fix remotely sorry.
At the moment James I’m struggling to get any decent units, I have someone waiting for a unit and everyone I interrogate it has previous faults within its life history.

I’ll drop you a message and send you my number, I have someone who has 15 units and wants me to buy as bulk rather then a few, I didn’t need any yet and was planning to buy 10 late March for other applications, I may have to suck it up!

I’ll drop you my number

Hi mate any luck with the sourcing of suitably replacement units ?
@huttojb my EPS has failed intermittently over the past year or so, returning after clearing the fault each time. I'd like to bite the bullet and replace it. My K12 Micra only has 25K miles on the clock so I'd like to keep it running for a few more years.

Please let me know if you can help. I am based in London.
@huttojb my EPS has failed intermittently over the past year or so, returning after clearing the fault each time. I'd like to bite the bullet and replace it. My K12 Micra only has 25K miles on the clock so I'd like to keep it running for a few more years.

Please let me know if you can help. I am based in London.
I am in the same boat As you mate..located west of London .. @huttojb (hope he can can assist us..)
I'm based in Lincoln, if anyone local would like their EPS codes read and erased for quick fix then I'm happy to help. I'm not a garage so the only cost might be a packet of biscuits ?
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Like I said above, I wouldn’t recommended the solution suggested above. A used unit cost £40+ from a scrap yard but it will not be paired with your car and therefore you’ll have NATS issues. It is quite simple to remove and replace the EPS but you need to get it paired.

Not sure what the refurbish ones are like and don’t really trust them.

Would you be interested in sending me your one (at your cost), I’ll check it and either send the original one back with it cleared or send one from the scrap yard which can pair to your car if the original one Has a hard fault.

Message me and we can discuss.

Hi Huttojb ive been trying to find out how to get in touch with you regarding a k12 eps problem with immobiliser, im really stuck and would more than appreciate some guidance, please could you email me at [email protected] thankyou James.
Hi @huttojb

Really hoping you could help, I have an 2006 K12, I had my power steering go before and ended up temporarily fixing the issue by putting an 06 steering column in, from a scrapyard Micra. This fixed my power steering for about 5 months (with a weird NATS light that would come on after a few miles or so) until last week it started being intermittent and then the ps light stayed on.

Went back to the garage they said it's the motor, but I believe it's something contributing to it, as it's happened on my original unit and also the replacement scrapyard one. They cleared my codes and shes working again for now but I feel like it's only a matter of time until the light will come back on.

Would you be able to help? I'm based in Manchester but have family in Wolverhampton so could travel to Birmingham if you think it could be fixed.

Many thanks,

@huttojb , I have the same issues as most people, ps light on all the time and no assisted steering. Took our 54 plate k12 to garage who couldn't find fault codes although the on board dash computer shows ps fault!
I see you were trying to source replacement eps units to clear codes.
Can you assist please as the cars only done 40,000.
I can't pm you as new to forum.
Thanks in anticipation.
Hi Guys,
I'm new on here so please bear with me.
I have a similar issue to the rest of you guys.
I have a nissan micra k12 1,2 sport on a 56 plate
I have been trawling the internet for second hand unit for EPAS control unit and motor.
I note that there seems to be multiple part units used for the lifespan of this model.
My question is do I need to have a unit with the exact same part number or will any unit for any nissan micra k12 do the job.
Also am I better getting a second hand part or getting someone like acspowersteering to refurbish my existing unit.
I can easily get a second hand unit but finding it hard to source one with the same part number.
I hope someone can offer advice on this.
I attach photo of unit showing part number for info.

Also are the connectors the same on the different partnumbers. Partnumbers Ive come across used on this model are
48810AX605, 48810AX600, 48810BC00A


  • Nissan-Micra-K12-epas.jpg
    50 KB · Views: 56
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Greetings, fellow Nissan Micra K12 owners,

I've been digging extensively into the persistent power steering (PS) issue plaguing Micra K12 owners and wanted to share some insights and seek advice. In my home country, there used to be an old ECU expert who could fix these PS columns, but he stopped due to the recurring nature of the problem.

According to this ECU expert, the PS issue might be linked to the battery/alternator system. His theory suggests that the PS column ECU is highly sensitive to voltage fluctuations. We managed to temporarily resolve the problem by resetting the c1606 and c1608 error codes and installing a new fully charged battery (VARTA SILVER Dynamic 52Ah, 12V, C6). Additionally we triplechecked all electrical connections, soldered on some new contact surfaces for fuses etc. However, the error codes recently returned. Our battery, without a load, after the error codes returned measures 12.4V, which corresponds to 50% charge according to the manual of the battery. Our ECU expert believes this could be the root cause, as the PS ECU is according to him susceptible to battery glitches during periods of lower charge.

I'd like to continue investigating this theory by resetting the c1606 and c1608 codes again, then monitoring the battery's state of charge closely after installing a new alternator. Unfortunately, the ECU expert does not want to participate in this anymore and told us to go to Nissan to get teh errors erased. I plan to do so but anticipate potential challenges, including high costs or suggestions for a costly column replacement.

Now, my primary question is: Is there a way to reset the c1606 and C1608 codes ourselves so that we can continue using the car and gather data to support or refute our voltage glitch theory?

Additionally, should not we initiate class action lawsuit agains Nissan? I think it is absolutely clear that this must be a design flaw judging by the sheer amounts of people plagued by this issue. I suspect they just want to sell their PS column replacements...

Any advice, insights, or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, I had the ubiquitous power steering failure and had been driving the awful car without assistance for 9 months, but as it looked like I'd be sadly keeping it a while longer, the steering needed sorting for the MOT.

In the end I came across Nissan Data Scan 3, its a simple program that offers full dealer level diagnosis and code reading but only costs £30 and uses a £17 VAG K+CAN cable. The support for the k12 on the website is almost non existence but I can confirm that it does work.

With the software I read and cleared the codes and the power steering is now working fine. Obviously this wont resolve every problem and mine might go again, the relays are noisy, but I can easily clear the codes again myself.
Hi, I had the ubiquitous power steering failure and had been driving the awful car without assistance for 9 months, but as it looked like I'd be sadly keeping it a while longer, the steering needed sorting for the MOT.

In the end I came across Nissan Data Scan 3, its a simple program that offers full dealer level diagnosis and code reading but only costs £30 and uses a £17 VAG K+CAN cable. The support for the k12 on the website is almost non existence but I can confirm that it does work.

With the software I read and cleared the codes and the power steering is now working fine. Obviously this wont resolve every problem and mine might go again, the relays are noisy, but I can easily clear the codes again myself.
Hey buddy, how has the car been since you cleared the fault with program??
Good luck. May last for a few months. The torque sensor is an optical sensor and was manufactured in a clean room environment. And if my memory is correct, if there is any dust greater the 40 microns it can cause a failure. But if the dust moves it will then work once the faults are cleared. There is only a small window of operation so as long as the contamination particles don’t pass over the operation window it won’t trip again.

Obviously with the DTC code doesn’t give you exactly the internal fault codes, so there was about 20 internal fault codes relate to the torque sensor, from dust in the system to the disc falling off. 95% of the time it was contamination.
I do have 3 units in but hopefully you will be fine. I would replace the systems personally, especially on a torque sensor issue that can happen on speed. I did some testing with fault insertion on the MIcra and it’s not nice when the system trips at any kind of speed.

Usually people wait till it’s a hard fault, so you know where I am if you need me.

Hi huttjob my nissan micra k12 with ps on dashboard ,,garage fixed with a refurbished steering column 18 months ago with no issues but now error come back and steering is stiff
We're going to be hitting the other end of the component failure bathtub curve for these units over the next few years; so what's the long term fix? I don't think messaging Huttojb for every repair is a sustainable solution (despite his sterling service so far!).

Had no issues with mine so far, touch wood, but would like to keep the car going for a good few years yet. Pretty much everything on it can be sorted by local garages for varying cost, but these units are an outlier as you can't easily just get a scrap unit due to NATS, can't really repair the unit in situ, and can't really buy an OEM replacement. Is there any option to use a completely different system coupled with a chip that keeps NATS happy?
Hi @huttojb,
Not sure if you can help or offer some advice?
My Wife drives a Micra K12 SX (04) which we've owned for the past 15 years. It's been a crackin' little car for her to tootle around in. A couple of hours ago she experienced the dreaded PS fault which nearly led her to crash.. Just wondering what our options are ... Would it be foolish to repair considering the age of the car? What is the approximate cost of repairing the Power Steering properly these days? Thank you in advance for any reply!
Hey all,

Now I am on my laptop I can reply properly.

I used to work at the manufactures of ther EPS System (TRW Automotive), where I worked in the Warranty Department analysising all UK and a percentage of international Warranty Returns to improve Manufacturing of the product. I also did some dealer visits and vehicle investigations in my time aswell.

So basically, I know everything there needs to know about the Nissan K12 EPS System.

You are correct, you cannot fit a second hand unit to a vehicle because the system handshakes with a dongle to the BCM and restricts ignition on if the dongle does not match. I know people who have fitted second hand units to their vehicle and it's worked, but not sure how they did this (I do have my opionions how you could possible do this but wouldn't want to broadcast on an open forum - becuase I am not total convinced and never tried it). I don't think TRW ever released the knowhow on clearing the dongle, when I visited Nissan Technical Centre to do some testing on a vehicle - not even Nissan had the ability to clear the dongle on the EPS System.

Next Subject, Fault Codes. The System has many internal fault codes which only display to a handful of DTC on the vehical. If the system identfies a failure it will generate a internal fault code and reduce the asssistance to 0% by disengaging the moter relay for safey. On ignition cycle the fault will be cleared unless it's a hard failure and the fault code will regenerate. If the fault code is generated 3 times in a row then the system latches and generates a System latch and can only be cleared by a diagnostics machine over CAN. These fault codes are Level A, Level B and Level C failures within the system. Level A Failures are normally CAN Issus (Communication Protacol), Level B are hardware failures and Level C are Latch Faults.

During the production there were known hardware and software issues within the system which was resolved during manufacturing. Earlier Systems are more common to fail then later systems. Software failure are normally intermittent and fails but when cleared would normally not fail again.

The system is designed in 3 blocks, ECU, Motor and Torque Sensor. The Motor was manufactured by Globe Motors and are very reliable apart from the Relay that is fitted. The Torque Sensor is an optical system produced in a clean room environment and the ECU was manufactured internally by a sister plant. I wouldn't recommend anyone trying to repair or opening the system without knowning what they are doing. I have questions a few of the re-manufacturing companies that state they repair the systems asking what exactly do they repair (just out of interest) but never got a reply. I would really question their intentions because I know TRW would never release the source Code or Database Files for any external site to repair the EPS. I was working in Prague for 1 year to estblish a Re-Manufacturing process for the EPS Systems and to be honest, it never hit off due to safety and the manufacturing plant didn't want to release the source code - it's agood job I had all what I needed! TRW always said that no system would ever be released if a Failure ever occured regardless of cause; I remember we had a production failure where the test machine was created internal fault codes into the system and all the systems were scrapped (over 200).

The system works on the CAN System of the vehicle and transmit and receives data to and from the ECM, BCM etc.. The system can be interigated with TRW mapped databases and internal parameters can be monitored and configurated over the CANbus. This was never released (as I'm aware) to the general public or Nissan.

Unforntunatly TRW lost the contract for the K12 system in 2009 (I think - if I remember correctly) which was unforntunaity becuase by 2006+ the system was really good and I would recommend the system to anyone. I beleive Delphi now produce the system for the K13 and also a retro fit for the K12 for the TRW replacement. I left TRW in 2010 and went on to bigger and better things.. but I do still know alot about the system and could really help someone if needed with reading the internal fault codes and resetting the dongle if required.

Another thing that I didn't talk about - The system has diffenrent Tune data for different Car configurations, without reading my old notes this was, Perol, Diesal, Sport and C+C Model Range. The system has boost curves, self steering centring and all the good stuff which can be configured with the right tools.

As someone said above, the system does have 2 relays, These are actually called a Link relay and Motor Relay. The Motor Relay is to activate the motor, and to disable the 3-phase motor on failure if required. The Link relay is on the ECU.

I'm trying to answer all the questions above with alittle of information, faults can be caued due to the relays but it's just as likely to be an internal hardware failure. a spec of dust in the torque sensor or a software issue. As I said previously, the system has many faults ( i think around 130ish) and these are assigned to about 5 DTCs so therefore the below DTC might have 100's of root causes. i.e DTC 5606 might be due to the Motor Relay, or the FET Drive for the Mototr the hall sensor which monitor the Motor or the motor feedback circuit. So basically could be either Motor or ECU Fault - in Warranty we barely looked at the DTC unless the system had no internal fault codes because it never helped!

DTC Number Description
5601 Battery Voltage Fault
D000 CAN Bus Fault
5609 CAN Vehicle Speed Fault
5611 CAN RearGearEngaged Invalid
5603 EPS Transient Fault
5604 EPS Operation Fault – Torque Sensor
5606 EPS Operation Fault – Motor
5607 EPS Operation Fault – NVM
5608 EPS Operation Fault – ECU
5604 EPS Internal Fault – Torque Sensor
5606 EPS Internal Fault – Motor
5607 EPS Internal Fault – NVM
5608 EPS Internal Fault – ECU

If someone needs specific details then private message me and I'll try and help.

The TRW System does get some negative feedback - but to be honest I like it. I like it that much I have fitted it to my kit car, this maybe because I can get it working and do some fancy stuff with it - but it's worked really well..

I think I have answered as much as I can - my wife is giving me that look to get off my laptop.

If I can post other helpful stuff I will.

P.S I live in Birmingham - UK so if anyone is around I'm sure I can help. I actually went to a scrap yard yesterday and got 2 EPS off a Micra for spares for my kit Car, knowing if it fails it easier to chnage it. Only takes 10 minutes to remove the EPS (from a scrap car) the bottom of the dash does get in the way and I break it on the scrap car!!!

Hope it made sense and everyone gets alittle information.

Hi Jason please contact me on the following number 07387 826244 I wish to talk to you
Hi all
I have a PS fault on my K12 and its puzzling me. The warning light does not come on, no fault codes, the issue was intermittent however I find that if I wait for 3 to 4 seconds after turning the key to first position bringing on the instrument lights everything works perfectly. I have had the occasional lapse of concentration and not waited. It is only then that I have a high chance of the PS not working. Going back over the discussions I have not seen a similar problem. Anyone have any suggestions. Thanks in advance.
Follow up to my previous, when I switch on the ignition bringing on the dash lights before starting I hear a click from under the dash in the vicinity of the steering column. It sounds like a relay. this takes a couple of seconds to sound, if I wait until this clicks then I will have no issue with the power steering.Would any one have any suggestions as to what can be done to sort this. Thanks
Follow up to my previous, when I switch on the ignition bringing on the dash lights before starting I hear a click from under the dash in the vicinity of the steering column. It sounds like a relay. this takes a couple of seconds to sound, if I wait until this clicks then I will have no issue with the power steering.Would any one have any suggestions as to what can be done to sort this. Thanks
Haven't fixed it yet, so not sure if that is indeed the issue, but a mechanic told me that my problem (similar to yours, PS only sometimes and that click sound) *may* be caused by water damage (I can confirm that water doesn't drain properly for my car so it's a good guess imo). Maybe check for that as well. For me, it started with just a few seconds but now I kinda have to "force it" by messing around with the windows and/or turning the air vent on, otherwise I'd have to wait for a good few minutes.
Thanks for that, I don't appear to have any water getting in but the car was sitting idle for a little over 12 months as the owner had gone working abroad. When they decided to extend their stay they then put the car up for sale. The long period standing has probably led to the issue. Pity as apart from that its a brilliant car.
@huttojb as many here, i have a problem with my nissan micra 2004 ps light i have read all of your post, can u send me a message or text me on 07576137313???? thanks very much, anyway is amazing hwo you have been helping others here!! nice work!
Sorry, been a crazy few months and haven’t logged on here for a few months. My wife’s Nan was living with us as she was on End Of Life care and she has now sadly passed. This means my life is getting back to some sort of normality. Just catched up with many DMs I had. Will try and get on here more regularly but the EPS system is now so hard to source and very expensive due to that, it’s just not the economically viable to replace anymore on the older Nissan Micras. Unless you are very attached to the car,.. it maybe not worth it.