Nothing really to say except for quite a sad fact ;( EVERY SINGLE year there is around 8000-12000 less Micra k11s on the road (yes that means we are losing on average 25 a day) Just 5-10 years ago they seemed MUCH more abundant then they are now (though testimony to their reliability I still see quite a decent amount of them, especially in London). Nevertheless, I've recently started tracking their figures plus looking at data from a few years back and as recently as 2018 there were over 80000 of them registered and probably roaming the streets (not 100% sure if this included SORNed ones) however in 2019 this dropped to I believe around 65000-70000 with around 50000 of them being taxed and registered to drive (not SORNed), as of 2020 this dropped to 40000 in driving condition and the most recent data shows that by the end of 2021 just over 30000 licensed Micra's are actively driving on our streets (plus many SORNed ones). This is ESPECIALLY important as it means we need to get serious about conserving as many Micra's as possible and ensuring they start ending up in the right hands, though albeit they may be reliable minus some rust and poor maintenance related issues at this rate of disposal/export they could still rapidly become (or be at risk of becoming) an endangered species in the UK within just the next few years. The good news is that from what I see its almost never mechanical issues
(instead rust, improper maintenance/exploitation, major defects, emissions fails, bad luck, wear and tear, general mot fails, costly repairs etc. killing them off). Hope this opened the eyes of particularly hardcore Micra fans and has given us a reality check about how this ain't no joke anymore. Correct me if i'm wrong but from what I've noticed it seems that at least 50% of Micra owners tend to be young lads beginning their driving career or elderly pensioners close to ending their driving career or if not that then they are middle aged female drivers. The pre-facelift ones have seen a massive dip in abundance IMO however on a positive note based on available data the Micra K11 survival rate is pretty neat (approx. 20-25% of them soldier on after 20 years with an average scrapping age of i'd say 17-18 years however the mk1 Yaris fares better at around 25-50% still roaming the streets after 20 years however they both dominate compared to most other cars). Here is enough info that EVERYONE fascinated with Nissan Micra's should know, LONG LIVE THE ABSOLUTELY BOMBPROOF-RELIABLE NISSAN MICRA K11!!! Btw reference websites for the data include CarLogBook, How Many Left plus a few Micra K11 related articles and webpages...