
hello all / I have a 2002 micra in good condition which I would like to keep as my last car / the window has got bad windscreen wiper marks in it / I have a donor car with a good screen / how easy is it to remove the screen / it is a pity that it is not like the vw beetles which used a rubber seal which was easy to do / thank you
hello all / I have a 2002 micra in good condition which I would like to keep as my last car / the window has got bad windscreen wiper marks in it / I have a donor car with a good screen / how easy is it to remove the screen / it is a pity that it is not like the vw beetles which used a rubber seal which was easy to do / thank you
Windscreens are very tricky bud, my advice would be go to a garage, won't be a lot of money I would think.
Windscreens are very tricky bud, my advice would be go to a garage, won't be a lot of money I would think.
hello / thank you for the reply / I live in the Shetland isles so not a lot of garages to pick from but there is one that does windscreens and they want £300 / this is why I would like to remove the one from the donor car then take it to a garage to get fitted / so what is the best way to remove one / is there nobody that makes a windscreen that could be fitted with a rubber seal similar to the vw beetle or the micra k10 / thank you again
Hi yes I agree with davyboy go to a garage, the windscreens are bonded in and the "professionals" usually cut them out or break them to remove them, the fitting and bonding of a windscreen has got to be exact with no variations and success depends on 100% correct preparation of all surfaces and the adhesive product use and cure time if not you will fail!

If you are determined to do the work yourself the best windscreen adhesive product is 3M Windo-Weld Superfast Urethane (as used by the professionals), you should use this in conjunction with 3M Glass Cleaner and 3M Single Step Primer.

All of these 3M products are available on Amazon but they are not cheap and the following is the product codes:
3M Windo- Weld Super Fast Urethane Part number: 08609
3M Single Step Primer Part number: 08681 125ml Bottle - Approx 25 installations
08682 30ml Bottle - Approx 6 installations
3M Glass Cleaner part number: 08888

All these products have a shelf life of only 9 months and you must use them within 7 days of opening the product, data sheets and comprehensive instructions on the products are available from 3M on the web and also there are tutorials on YouTube!

Good luck! :)
Andy :D
hello / thank you for the reply / I live in the Shetland isles so not a lot of garages to pick from but there is one that does windscreens and they want £300 / this is why I would like to remove the one from the donor car then take it to a garage to get fitted / so what is the best way to remove one / is there nobody that makes a windscreen that could be fitted with a rubber seal similar to the vw beetle or the micra k10 / thank you again
£300 blimey. He must be quoting for supply as well, if not....he's a wealthy man charging those prices.
I have seen it done, they cut the screen out with a wire run around the screen. They then do as Andy has posted, but they do use sucker pads to hold, and place the screen. It is an acquired skill though.
Best of luck bud.

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