Friday night I was cruisin' wiv bae (I'll see myself out) and came across a red micra. I think I actually shouted when I saw it was a Super S, much to Lyra's confusion. I couldn't see it, it was dark, but it was rough, and looked a little mistreated.
I spent the weekend thinking about it, and decided to go and leave a note on the windscreen seeing if the lady or gentleman would sell it. As I pulled up, I could see there was someone at the door, of the house which the micra was parked outside of! (Excuse my terrible English, I couldn't think how to word that)
I had a chat with the guy, turned out he was looking to sell soon anyway. He took me for a ride, and I loved it. Mechanically, it's lovely. Pulls well in every gear, and doesn't make any noises. 80K on the clock. I said I'd go home and think about it. After a quick chat with Dad - After all we'll both be using it for Autotests/Solos and 12 Car Navi road rallies, it would be a joint decision. We agreed a price, and he dropped it round later that evening.
I'm aware it's rough, but I'm willing to put some money into it.
Picture time!
And I didn't mention "rare" once.
I spent the weekend thinking about it, and decided to go and leave a note on the windscreen seeing if the lady or gentleman would sell it. As I pulled up, I could see there was someone at the door, of the house which the micra was parked outside of! (Excuse my terrible English, I couldn't think how to word that)
I had a chat with the guy, turned out he was looking to sell soon anyway. He took me for a ride, and I loved it. Mechanically, it's lovely. Pulls well in every gear, and doesn't make any noises. 80K on the clock. I said I'd go home and think about it. After a quick chat with Dad - After all we'll both be using it for Autotests/Solos and 12 Car Navi road rallies, it would be a joint decision. We agreed a price, and he dropped it round later that evening.
I'm aware it's rough, but I'm willing to put some money into it.
Picture time!

And I didn't mention "rare" once.