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Max's Super S


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Friday night I was cruisin' wiv bae (I'll see myself out) and came across a red micra. I think I actually shouted when I saw it was a Super S, much to Lyra's confusion. I couldn't see it, it was dark, but it was rough, and looked a little mistreated.
I spent the weekend thinking about it, and decided to go and leave a note on the windscreen seeing if the lady or gentleman would sell it. As I pulled up, I could see there was someone at the door, of the house which the micra was parked outside of! (Excuse my terrible English, I couldn't think how to word that)
I had a chat with the guy, turned out he was looking to sell soon anyway. He took me for a ride, and I loved it. Mechanically, it's lovely. Pulls well in every gear, and doesn't make any noises. 80K on the clock. I said I'd go home and think about it. After a quick chat with Dad - After all we'll both be using it for Autotests/Solos and 12 Car Navi road rallies, it would be a joint decision. We agreed a price, and he dropped it round later that evening.
I'm aware it's rough, but I'm willing to put some money into it.

Picture time!





And I didn't mention "rare" once.
God is it red or pink?

Max it looks so rough.... Please be solidish
AJ4 which as anyone with an AJ4 car knows, it's a magical paint that changes colour over time......

It was red now it's pink. I'll see what a polish does to it tomorrow.
Micra things! spent ALL DAY cleaning it properly inside and out, it's a totally different car! Warning, pic heavy.

Topped up the oil, checked air filter. Couldn't get at the plugs, I'll have a go with dad at the weekend

Cleaned everything with anti-bacterial wipes (Note the melted rubber mat on the dash)


Snowfoam time! first proper bath in 10+ years by the looks of it....

Shiny, no polish, just snowfoam.



Interiors time for a clean. Got some upholstery stuff from halfords, worked really well. Got all the mould out of the carpet and headliner too.

Starting to get somewhere now!



Looking (And smelling) SO much better, happy to spend time in the car now!

Got the black stickyness of the dash, and taped the glove box closed.

Lots of hard work and cleaning products :D Looks like a different car.

Really productive day, going in tomorrow on a ramp to get a good look at the underside, and we'll take it from there.
Started building a list of parts that's needed for the MOT.
Lower Crossmember
Exhaust (Funny story, rattling exhaust heat shield fixed when the car went up on ramps.... It just sort of .. Fell off...)
Can't find any OEM exhausts, so may be going Peter Lloyd, providing I can find out how loud it is and that it'll pass an MOT. May as well kill two birds with one stone. Would end up replacing anyway.
Drivers side foglight @SirChris has got me covered for this I think :)
I've bought a pressure washer, going to blast all the **** off underneath and then we can really assess the floor. The carpet is all getting stripped out, to see HOW far gone the floor is.
Undecided where we're getting the work done yet, but a couple of people from here have offered to help which I'm extremely grateful for.
Yeah, it's going to cost a lot to put right, but I think it's worth saving. I do love this little car already.
More Micra tings!
Floor assessment day - Dat daylight, yo.







With the help of the lovely @SirChris, will be sorted in no time :p
Also, front panel ordered, and fuel cap, as this is missing one.
Now on the hunt for drivers wing.
Cockpit view, standard wheel and facelift drivers seat - Super S seats in the daily :)


The money shot

Really happy with todays progress, revealed the floor isn't just one big hole. Boosted my confidence in the little Super S :)
Looks cool man deffo needs rust sorting out tho :p And if you ever plan on selling the steering wheel and interior give me a shout ;)
Thanks :)
Steering wheel will be for sale soon, I have an aftermarket one to go in when it's MOT'd again - Priorities :)
And the interior is going in my daily, sorry!
Cool pal il deffo buy the wheel if or when you decide to sell it :) Need to get it finished if you plan to take it to jae this year ;)
You have first dibs :)
Just remind me when you see I've swapped wheels. I'll be going to JAE (I actually will this year) In my silver 1.0.
Small update, went to see @Chris Huzzey today, and got myself a drivers wing from @Scott.c 's Betty.

Polished it and clay bar'd it, although Huzz had already done a good job on it. It'll go on tomorrow.

Also picked up window rubber, as this car is lacking some... and indicator stalks because they're starting to go mouldy.

This is turning into more of a restoration than an autotest/solo car build....
Out with the old.....

In with the new :D Again, a big thanks to @Chris Huzzey ..

"Project car"

Was really running out of time today and these little sods weren't helping, completely seized. Ended up having to leave the wing for another day....

Got some window rubbers from Huzzey as well, and fitted those. They need sticking down properly, but I'll do that when the body work is done. Funnily enough, they were too long and had to be cut down to size!

"It's gonna get worse before it gets better"

Remodelling my parents garden, they love it. Micra bits in the garage, shed, the lounge and my room. Just not in/on the cars! ;)

That's it for today :)
You know what's awesome?
A) You're not completely incompetent/retarded
b) My micra has impressed @h701micra with its non rustyness. Fuuu
Is that a compliment Alex? I may have to screenshot that. Although I'm not sure what that's referring too...

You thought your car was rusty, and it's not. Good for you.. I knew this was going to be rusty, and it is? Do I win?
Is that a compliment Alex? I may have to screenshot that. Although I'm not sure what that's referring too...

You thought your car was rusty, and it's not. Good for you.. I knew this was going to be rusty, and it is? Do I win?

I always joke with you being feeble with cars. Just ask Andy and he'll tell you I'm actually retarded with spanners.

Well the sills are on their way out but Shhh... At least your car is cheap haha
Free day tomorrow. Hopefully wing and grill going on, I need to sort those seized bolts out. Any recommendations/tips? Thanks

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