got this car back last year in june for 100 euro off the side of a bog and was ment to start this aaaaaaages ago but im a lazy ****er haha but anyway heres my little project car that ill be puttin on the road around june hopefully
when i first saw the car she was like this!
then i gave it a good cleanin myself and then she was lookin way better
couple of days after i got it i treated it to 4 new plugs, new oil and filter, wiper blades, new number plates and a new air filter
got new hid kinda bulbs because other ones werent great atal
the old grille was purple and was all flakey and peeling off soo got a tin of primer and matte black to tidy it up a bit 
then i got new plates and sprayed up the steelies and made a nice difference
I dont really know if anyone else on here has seen or done this to a k10 but i think i got the idea off some other k11 micra from facebook or something, never seen it on a k10 and didnt know if it was a great idea but i went at it and looks soo much better, delighted! i took out the two headlights and cleaned up the glass and mirror inside the lights because there was always dirty moss kinda **** sittin in around the headlights and could see it easyly enough but anyways i cleaned it all up and masked up the mirror from the headlights and the sidelights and sanded and primed with gloss black, let it dry out and put a brow thing on top of the headlight using headlight tint, same as window tint i think, before i sealed it up for good 
in the end tho it really turned out way better than what it was before and makes a difference to the appearence of the car
( if anyones gonna try that headlight darkening job, get warm water and let it sit in it for a ood 10 mins so soften up the seal holding on the glass to the mirror because the glass is fragile as **** haha )
Heres a few pictures of the process
and this is her as she sits in the yard at the moment
then i gave it a good cleanin myself and then she was lookin way better
couple of days after i got it i treated it to 4 new plugs, new oil and filter, wiper blades, new number plates and a new air filter
then i got new plates and sprayed up the steelies and made a nice difference
in the end tho it really turned out way better than what it was before and makes a difference to the appearence of the car
( if anyones gonna try that headlight darkening job, get warm water and let it sit in it for a ood 10 mins so soften up the seal holding on the glass to the mirror because the glass is fragile as **** haha )
Heres a few pictures of the process
and this is her as she sits in the yard at the moment
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