hello, I've recently bought a nissan micra 1.3 super s and am having some trouble with power loss in higher gears. the car has roughly 65k on the clock and the only things i've had done is an oil change. The car however has had a new throttlebody and a few other tweaks recently. Anyway the main problem is experienced when driving in higher gears for example, if i hit high revs in 1st and 2nd, 3rd gear seems very slugish and even with my foot to the floor the build up is painfully slow. The power seems very on and off, i seem to hit some power and then it sounds asthough there is nothing there. This vary rarely happens in the lower gears but on the odd occasion 2nd gear too. I've asked about and heard it could be electical however havent yet had it checked out as i thought a head up from any experts would help
. I'm wanting to start modding the car but with an unstable engine this is becoming a problem. Any help would be fantastic, if there is any more info needed i can try my best.