but thing is it would of been quight a bit less if it was done the right way first time off though eh? people who cut corners pay twice :doh:
lol thats what i ment by cutting corners thus spending out on parts to be replaced due to lak of management you would think for 8K you would have a lot more to show for it???
as for what i have built ha ive not just slaped a turbo on car and claim to of built something a 10 year old can do thats for sure.
so stani mate do ya sell a favor dont punch above your own weight....but when im ready to show my work i will
it doesnt look like there much but its all there wether you can see it or not, ive added it up and that the price ive paid not including any previous cars/failures. Ive tried things that people are too scared to do simply because im not scared to waste my money. its what i like to do. im honest about everything i do rather than fail all the time and keep it my own little secret, then when i get it right act like im perfect![]()