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Alfonze's Red K11

I've got spring compressors if you need to borrow them Alex, I changed mine at a leisurely pace on a lovely sunny summer afternoon whilst sipping Stellas' very finest Artois, it took me a couple of hours and about five tinnies, but if you put your mind to it I suppose it could be done in an hour, they make one hell of a difference to handling.

yeah but wont it put insurance up?

A little.
Yeah I think I shall get it lowered but Im not gonna do it. Il pay someone to do it for me. maybe not declare to the insurance just yet. What about its MOT will it fail?
More cost I dunno whether its worth it in the long run. I dont have a problem with it at the moment not lowered.
if your going to fit lowewring springs fit shocks as well because asfter time the standard shocks will break and lose the hydrolic oill in then which will fail an mot so my advise is to lower the car and fit lowering shocks as well as springs
if your going to fit lowewring springs fit shocks as well because asfter time the standard shocks will break and lose the hydrolic oill in then which will fail an mot so my advise is to lower the car and fit lowering shocks as well as springs

after about 4-5years, the springs seem to work fine with the std micra shocks. the kyb gas shocks are just uprated micra items, just that there gas not oil. i havnt had a problem with my std shocks on lowering springs it been a good 2-3years.
Agreed it's better to uprate shocks, but IMO it's not necessary.
Few people, i can't think of anyone actually, have had problems with the standard shocks on lower springs.
I've had mine on for almost 2years and had no problems at all.
Maybe it's worse if you go lower than 35mm..
Well to lower it I have been quoted £75 labour plus srpings say £45 an insurance will go to £27 extra with all my mods.

So roughly around £150 to lower it and insure it. Worth it?

Is it worth it, when I come to sell the car wont it appeal to most people who'd buy it cause its modded?
even when you sell it, tell them its standard it would be a bonus for them as it will handle and feel better. they wont notice if its lowered or not! just dont say anything about it beeing lowered.
I dont know whether its worth it to me. It may look better and handle well but Ive been told you will feel every bump
might of not made myself clear there lol i ment you carnt feel every bump. just forgot to put the word bump in my prevouis post :p
depends on how stiff the springs are, they have to be stiffer than standard to handle better. if there the same stiffness of the standard springs they will handle the same...but all the aftermarket springs for the micra are stiff.

if they are really stiff like coilovers, you wont come across mega stiff springs on there own tho, as they will kill your dampers.

aftermarket springs are designned to work bearing in mind with std dampers (hence why aftermarket springs on there own are not mega stiff) if they wasnt desginned to work with std dampered they would come with uprated damperes aswell! they are desginned also bearing in mind there for road use! were as coilovers are for race use.

basiclly uprated springs are made for road use
coilovers are made for race use
and heavey duty coilovers are used for rally etc.
Dont get it lowered if you dont want to, but it is a great mod for any car, probli the best mod if you just put alloys on, and the ride shouldnt be effected if you dont go any lower than 40mm it also depends on the size of you wheels, mines lowered 35mm with 16"s the ride is perfectly comftable!
I just dont think its worth it, having 15's on I find it perectly fine now if the springs were to go id consider it.
I can say that it will make the car handle better in the bends as it lowers the centre of gravity, the offer of the lend of the tools still stands if you need them Alex.
Well I just bought a K and N induction kit plus fitted a strut brace


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getting there bud :)

good move with the strut brace!!
can i ask...where does your cold air feed pipe go to ?? as you have the radiator or sheet of metal (support bar kind of) in the way or does it stop at the "slat / slit" in the metal sheet??

other than that...good move with the cold air feed!!

Ive decided to lower it and tint the rears I think it would look nice as long as I can get cheap lowering springs
I just spoke to my insurance total increase in premuim over all with these mods is £28 with £15 charge included

Tinted rears (£100)
alloy wheels
lowered £45 off mambo £75 fitted
back box £30 plus fitting no more than £40 id imagine
maybe something else ive forgotenb about at the mo.
Im really confused about lowering it Ive been advised not to by some people at work due to arches scrubbing, tints I dunno are they really worth it on a Micra that if I sell on might have trouble. I dunno
I keep getting told different things about lowering one was it scrubs on the arches and doesnt improve handling one bit them Im told here it does I dunno?

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