Radio code problem

My daughter has a R reg Micra two door. The orginal radio was broken so fitted a standard Nissan radio cassette. When I turn the radio on the word "wait" comes up then "security" and thats how it stays. I was told this would change to "code". Then I could enter the code and all would work.
Anybody know what I need to do next?
ah, 98 onwards, the original stereos are coded into the ecu aswell as having a seperate code, the only way to get another 98 onwards stereo to work in the car is if you get it resett. you might aswell take the other stereo back, tell them they are coded into the ecu and get a refund. then with the money buy a nice aftermarket stereo for your daughter, and she'll love you for it:)
this is just a buy it now item on ebay. nice and cheap and plays mp3's
How can I get my stereo recoded, is it a take to Nissan and empty my wallet type of job?
I don't know if these unlock codes work but £1.99 doesnt sound too bad:

Ideally I would say find out if these codes work by browsing the net... may be get a recommendation for a certain guide..

Some lad in Manchester once told me that if you leave the stereo in the freezer for 24 hours it will reset but that doesnt sound right to me... for one it would cause major rust on the components?

How can I get my stereo recoded, is it a take to Nissan and empty my wallet type of job?

there are specialized companies that offer this service, the ones nissan will use, and charge you a lot less than the middleman nissan
Some lad in Manchester once told me that if you leave the stereo in the freezer for 24 hours it will reset but that doesnt sound right to me... for one it would cause major rust on the components?

ive heard this too, ive always wondered how the hell that would work, but apparently it just does, someone told me it works or most things such as mobile phones as well lol

but yeah as Swiper says be easier to buy an aftermarket stereo, save you alot of hassle i think ;)

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