Hey Ya.......

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Hey all,

Been looking at the site for a while, and as soon as tuesday (pay days) comes along im going to get proper membership,

Just wanted to say a quick hello.

Tasha xXx
hi and welcome to the MSC.

Any questions, free feel to ask.....

Kev :)
Welcome to the club :) Where are you from, and any pictures / plans of your car?
Im from High Wycombe/ south east england,

I havent got any pics of yet, but its a 1998 nissan twister from what i know.
its called my micragreenie which is quite sad of me (hehe)

But no plans of yet, just my alloys and exhaust.

Got to pass my test Monday first, already failed last test a few week ago.

Tasha xXx
Another member from the south! There's a few down here. Good luck with the test, and don't worry about failing. At least you know how the test procedure is carried out :)
Thank you, that actually makes me feel slightly better, i never thought of it like that. my motorbike test was much easier than a car, which is the surprising thing.

where bouts down south is most people then?

Tasha xXx
The South members tend to be dotted around all over the place, Arnold is in Sussex, I'm in Surrey, Ollie is from Kent, Mike is from Enfield, NeX is from Wiltshire, and we've got the SW lot in Cornwall and Devon!

Welcome to the club! :)

lots of different people, id need my tom tom for sure just to get any where, im the typical one who doesnt know how to get to the other side of wycombe,

does any one have any ideas for my car, as i am blonde in this subject.

Tasha xXx
Ems is up the road in Oxford too James.

Get some pictures up here and you'l get some suggestions im sure!
GPS is the way forward, I've got TomTom on my phone and it's very useful! :)

As for mods, I'd say lower it! I can't stress this enough to people, it makes the car look so much nicer and handle so much better. Oh, and alloys if you don't have some already :)
Id still lose my way with tomtom, i will try my best tuesday when i get paid and get the full membership to get pics up,

i already got 15inch alloys, umm its got colour coded bumpers, and iv gt cd and subs, but the car is my baby.

Thanks everyone.

Tasha xXx

If any one can help with anything,

add me on MSN - [email protected]

Tasha xXX
Modded micras is the easiest one. Just click on the link above. On the page, enter your name and press browse or whatever it says and find an image of your car on your PC. Press upload, easy!
You forgot me on the south members list :O rude!.
Before you do anything performancewise give the car a good service, filters, plugs, stuff like that.
You forgot me on the south members list :O rude!.
Before you do anything performancewise give the car a good service, filters, plugs, stuff like that.
Apologies :blush:

I think I should look into making a member map again! That thing was cool!

My uncle did that for me a few weeks ago, i just want simple easy kinda stuff, because it took me 3 weeks to try and work out how to wire my cd player and sub up, and i still ending up running it directly to the battery.

Tash xXx
Induction kit is pretty simple, get some graphics down the side and a sunstrip with your name written on it.
a sunstrip with your name written on it.

Or perpaps you don't! LOL. At the end of the day, modifying if you wish to do that is about your own ideas & creativity. Look at other people's cars for examples of things you like. You should never do something because someone else says so!
Yeah you don't want that yet lol!! :D

Sunstrips dont do nothing for me im too short to have the sunviser even block the sun,


People generally have them coz they look cool!! Well thats how i see it anyway!!
I was just giving ideas, not opinions, I personally think they look a bit sad, but modifying is about personal taste.
Welcome to the club.

CD player and sub working now? Wiring directly to the battery is actually what you do want to do...!

Anyway, I'm in the South so can offer a hand if you need anything electrical/audio related done to your car. I'm sure the other members would back up that comment ;)

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