My new lights


Fat ppl r harder 2 kidnap
After all the help i got with the wiring issue i thought i'd post a pic. These are fit onto the standard LS bumper. There were some holes ready drilled the the metal bar behind the bumper so i made some custom brakets and jobs a goodun! i did have to shorten the number plate to make it all fit though lol! Comments appreciated!


yep they look a bit wonky, did altering the wire to the drivers side sort it out then?

what model is that micra in background? (white un)

and get your passanger parking lamp bulb changed
Good lights those ;)

Caution with using the bumper bracket though, because it vibrates loads. You'l see that in the beam as its bouncing up and down. I've drilled mine straight into the chassis underneath / behind the bumper and makes quite alot of difference.
Yeah mine are bolted onto the metal chassis beind the bumper.. solid as a rock. I had to custom make the brakets so they are a Taaaaad wonky.. looks better in real life.

Well spotted on the P/S lamp.. thats all been done. I am thinking of putting the indicators there and have already purchased some Datsun lenses. And the wire swap did work :)

The micra in the background is my neighbours.. she is a 60 odd year old who does 500 miles a year, and its got 18K on the clock. its a 1 litre SUPER. i did ask to buy it off her when i passed but she wouldnt sell it for the world!!
same as an old bloke near me hes got a 1.2 glx with a foah body kit on it hes had it from new, does less than 1000 miles a year and will be burried with the car, ive shown him pound notes for that car, even waved them in his face, but he still wont part with it.
same as an old bloke near me hes got a 1.2 glx with a foah body kit on it hes had it from new, does less than 1000 miles a year and will be burried with the car, ive shown him pound notes for that car, even waved them in his face, but he still wont part with it.

are your lights legal like that superls??

I might do this for the mongol rally car.
They're not fogs so they should be fine. Fogs have to be fitted to some legal requirement but i think driving lamps are ok. Dont quote me on that though!

I wonder how long they'd last on your mongel rally car in that position though. They'd probably get ripped off by the numerous hazards you'l experience.
Well spotted on the P/S lamp.. thats all been done.

Did you read the rest of the thread James! lol. My sidelights sometimes go out like that, but i find a quick wack and they come back on. Job's a goodun! :p
but i find a quick wack and they come back on. Job's a goodun! :p

Thats what was wrong with my one. i replaced the bulb and its never gone out since. the old bulb had light silver paint on the inside of the glass. the one i replaced it with was a clear one from mt old clocks :) . hows that for resourcefulness!

Turtle... I would put the lights in the Grille and put a metal grill over the front. then they should last quite a while going to mongolia!

The lights i have are pretty tough as i had to go through floodwater the other day and they went under the water while illunimated (looked cool) and they still work no worries!

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