Dials for K10 Super S

Fordy, you could get a KPH/MPH converter for the speedo cable, that way you'l have a 160mph speedo lol.

Anyway, i've seen those before. I think Speedle ordered some. Tbh its quite easy to make your own. Take your existing ones out and use them as a template, scan into a PC etc, then use photoshop to edit & print.
Anyway, i've seen those before. I think Speedle ordered some. Tbh its quite easy to make your own. Take your existing ones out and use them as a template, scan into a PC etc, then use photoshop to edit & print.

LOL... that sounds so untidy, just cant imagine that looking right. I'd like to put some red lights behind my dials to match my CD player but some of those look a bit odd.

Good find though.
this site sells 2 differnet sizes for the super s dial the correct ones and ones that seem to be half for the LS half for the super s. the inside of the super s dials are totally different to all other k10 dials

these are the right ones;


trust me i ordered the wrong ones from this company a long time ago the dials are acctually stickers and stick over the existing dials, personally speaking from experience with the dials your best to make your own using some thick photo quality paper its works much better. scan the orgional dials into photoshop or something similar then print em out on the photo paper i did this ages ago and they looked really good :)

also as they are in KPH and the uk dials in MPH when the light shines through it shows the MPH behind and looks incriedbly tacky and rubbish. im sure kev has some pictures of the ones he made they look perfect from what i remeber dont look tacky at all, the normal k10 ones are only thin plastic anyway
Seen a few people do it, it can look good depending how skilled at photshop etc you are!

Red dials look so good!


Were they done with red bulbs? I did sort of orange by accident with my old car because I replaced the green bulbs with clear.
LOL... that sounds so untidy, just cant imagine that looking right. I'd like to put some red lights behind my dials to match my CD player but some of those look a bit odd.

Good find though.

That all depends on how well you are with A. photoshop and B. scissors :D
When using a good quality printer, with good quality paper and using the correct dpi/resolution results can be awesome.
But I have to admit, I've seen an example or two (even here on the forums) of dials that indeed look very 'untidy' :D
On the other hand, when making nice white dials with eg blue numbers on it etc would look very tidy.

Maybe in the future when I have some time I can make a smallish tutorial about it together with the linouts of the dials. Small explaination of resolution, dpi and printing.
It's quite simple to do really and can possibly give very nice results without spending too much cash on it :D
all great info, many thanks. is it easy to remove the existing dials from the dash? my k10 super s is red so i am planning on keeping the red and black theme to it. can anyone recommend any after market mph dials? do i need to change the bulbs behind the dash because they are all green
all great info, many thanks. is it easy to remove the existing dials from the dash? my k10 super s is red so i am planning on keeping the red and black theme to it. can anyone recommend any after market mph dials?

Piece of cake. Remove the steering column plastics and dial surround plastics, by unscrewing a few screws. Disconnect the switches in the dial surround. Then unscrew the dials. Once loose, you need to disconnect the left and right wiring blocks and disconnect the speedo cable (all these plug into the back of the dials by the way). Quite easy when you've had a look at it. You can then access the bulbs from the back, or remove the dial plastics (see through cover and black plastic cover) by pressing in the top and bottom tabs. You should now be able to remove the dial pins or the dials complete.
excellent, i will give it a go, then once i know how to do it i will get the bulbs and do all the lights behind the dash, how does neon blue look? i might stick to red though
Blue looks good. James did that, however both James and i had some of Ed's super light up a whole house with one bulb kinda bulbs. Very bright!

I tried standard ones off the web and the colour had burnt out after an hour long drive!
The only things i can recommend are Ed's LED's. He may be able to do you a set for a fee. Anything else just isnt good enough imo!
cool, could you find out how much they are for me please. where can i get hold of the bottom spoiler from, the one that goes below the rear window, and what wheels off other makes of cars will fit the k10?
youve drifted off topic with your other queries. Do a search on the MSC and internet for wheels. Spoiler keep your eye out in scrappies, Buy and Sell and Ebay.

Ed's a member of the MSC so send him an email. you could PM if you were an official member ;)

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