lol ok Mike
an MPLS is a huge WAN - Wide Area Network, this spans across the world to the us - india etc this is hosted by an ISP called Star, then on that WAN we have a VPN - Virtual Private Network which makes anything we do secure.
All our customers i.e Airbus, Chester, Eclipse, Nasa (they all make airplanes) are all over the world and need to be on the same network as us so that our engineering system can communicate with them to tell them what parts they need for a certain aircraft etc.
Active Directory is a way of managing a network of computers from one or more central locations, for example we have a server down in london that hosts our AD - Active directory and that connects to our WAN which means that our sister companies can be in india but logon to our server here, therefore saving money on extra network mangers over in India...with me so far?
Surfcontrol is a web filter which basically sits on the network and when people open up internet explorer it has to go through this filter to make sure the website isnt porn for example. This filer logs absolutly every single ounce of data that people access on the internet, for example if a crime is commited on our network over the internet we can collate alot of information for a court case etc.
Citrix is a form of tunneling, so you have a citrix server on the network and you can share programs via sessions and this is such a saving on buying more licences for Office or Sage etc. So the program has one serial key but because it is on citrix when people connect to the server it can supply multipul sessions even with one licence a nutshell
program installation - self explanitory
printer installation etc, pc upgrades.
yea i drive alot