Yello guys...oldie here

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Ex. Club Member
Hi guys n gals,

Hows everything around here? Havent visited in so long. Old members will remember me, new ones will not know me. But hello to everyone. :)

For the record....this was my Micra, some 5years ago now (doesnt time fly)



Been through many diff cars since the micra, pug206, ibiza cupra, bmw 3 series convertible, now settled on a seat leon cupra R. Must be the record, had it a year now ha ha!

Anyway guys, just checking in to see how things are :)


Crikey! This is a blast from the past! Has the Leon got pink fur doorcards yet? :p

How's tricks? I've moved up to a Primera GT myself!

You can see the Leon when i get pics with my new wheels on that are currently sat in my room :p

Yes it has been such a long time, i just thought about the site, so thought i would pop back see how things are. Very oldskool now james lol. It doesnt seem that long.

And no, no pink fluffy door cards haha!

May onl be tempted if i get some extra money and in the mood to do something foolish with a stupid engine haha. But i doubt that would ever happen.
cheers man just a shame i live near asses that dont want me to have a nice car got broke in to pinched all my ice so now im going all for speed
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