Won some seats!


RIP Colin McRae 1968-2007
Not from ebay! But from Unique Automotive!

It was the birthday of my local cruise forums - falkirkcruise.net
They were giving away loads of prizes from their sponsors, such as ICE £300 vouchers etc etc, one of the competitions was seats and a few other accesories!

A few of you will know i have been looking for seats for aaaages! So i thought what the hell, ill enter and try my luck!

And i won!!

Still gotta go pick em up etc, but ill get pics once i have em!

Daz :)
I'm well chuffed! Iv been wanting seats for ages, but never seen any that i liked, and then i saw some but was looking around to see if i could get them cheaper - then i won them! My luck is in :>
Pic up the seats tomorrow afternoon, so ill be spending a bit time getting them fitted then ill get some pics taken!!

Daz :alien:
Me and stevie from Unique Automotive.

Me carressing the seat :p

Need to get subframes - if anyone has any spare give me a pm!

Daz :alien:
Nah chris i finish at 12 on a saturday! Was a mad rush to get out of the workshop to miss traffic - hence the oveys lol!
ive seen that chinese guy some where :suspect:
is unique auto. show room car a yellow civic?
used to be, he sold that. He now has a silver and purple one. His name is Stevie Ho, really sound guy! Met him a few times at cruises and stuff. He used to ave a flip paint purple n gold civic too...