And there's the problem.
The reservoir sees no cooling air, but it should.
When your brake fluid boils, the entire system is boiling, including in some cases, popping the cap off the reservoir itself and bubbling up through the system.
Pedal feel is utterly subjective and can be altered.
Having a cooler in the system would be no different to having extra lines, if the system is full of fluid, the action of pressing the pedal will relate directly to the movement of the pistons in the calipers.... No matter what the length of pipe. To a certain point anyway.
It just seems that all of this "ducting" and "caliper cooling " is great but, if the fluid traveling through the system is hot, no matter what you do to the outside of the caliper, it's going to be heating up from the inside.
All it would need would be a box with a coil of brake pipe inside. The pipe would have cooling veins and the box would have a steady stream of cool air or even, water. Thus removing the latent heat held within the fluid.
I am bewildered.. Lol