Why does the engine sit at an angle

I've always noticed the slope of the engine down towards the nearside when looking at it from above, but now the front is off the car the slope is even more noticeable.

Does anyone know the reason? driveshaft angles or something like that? I only ask as I'm hoping to transplant the engine into another car and am wondering if I should replicate the slope or just fit it perfectly hoizontally.

I guess that sounds plausible Frank, the sump is pretty deep. I'll see what it looks like in the modded Metro subframe (It might not even fit :( )
It's usually when people have there clutch replaced the g/b mount isn't put back so to hold the engine level

I usually jack underneath the gearbox until engines level and then crank the gearbox mount bolts up to hold it there

I noticed after having someone do my clutch and noticed the problem after starring at it like a weirdo :)