Where to get gaskets & timing chain from??


Ex. Club Member
ok went down to nissan today for some prices for a lil' project im wanting to do on my car.

They quoted me:

Head gasket: 27
Manifold Gaskets (inlet and exhaust): 36
Timing chain(higher & lower + tensioners): 143

Now thats just a pee take imo. Do you know anywhere else i could source these parts?

thanks :)
the only place to get the chain at all is nissan i payed 70 +vaty for the chain with the top adjuster, it was 35 +vat extra for the bottom one the gasket set you can get from motor factors or at worst halfrauds, i went to a motor factors and it was bout 50 fotr a full head set
yeah i guess ive realised that what i want to do isnt going to be as cheap as i first thought, im going to hav to re-think how/what im actually going to end up doing :) thanks for the repies tho v. appreciated
yeah i should get the gaskets reasonably priced, i think ill just stick with my current timing chain, its quiet as anything, i was just thinking if im havin me engine in bits it'd b worth changing but 150 quid aint worth it if its quiet neways....

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