went to a drift day... filmed some stuff


» CMF Member
Member since:
AE71.. they're pretty popular skid boxes these days which is a shame because since people are buying them over 86's because of the premiums on the cars and parts and they seem to be attracting more unwanted attention ;)



» CMF Member
Member since:
yeah pretty much. I just sold all me ke70 gear for 4k unfinished. 4age 20 valve with microtech and coilovers.

Any ways this is some drift action from the Top End.

enjoy... BTW nice thread.


» CMF Member
Member since:
tris WROTE:

"mmm ae86's are geting pretty exe these days... becomeing a rareity!! and people realise the value of them...

What value? It's just the dori dori factor that everyone wants to be like takumi that pushes the price up :p If it weren't for that they would cost as much as any corolla from that era does.



» CMF Member
Member since:
disagree. Have you ever driven one. They are really well balanced. They are just a great car. They will keep going up as will the rb26 motors. HTye are iconic and will stay that way....Hmmmm ae86. what i would do for a bog stock clean as a whistle one and leave it in the shed.


» CMF Member
Member since:
That's just it - they're a cult car. Look at the GTHO for example - cars are only worth what people are prepared to pay for them, and 86's never used to cost as much as they have in the past few years and that's purely because of the icon it's now become.

I'm not saying that the 86 is bad - i'd take a 86 levin sedan any day, but because of the takumi tax, it makes it me wonder how people justify the cost given the alternatives at hand.

Anyhow, there will be some people that can't be convinced so i'll leave it at that. I'll take a RB30/25 or 26 hybrid or 1J/2J before i'd consider an RB26 ;)



» CMF Member
Member since:
i Would noy take anything other then a 2j over a 26. But yeah ok you make a very good point i spose. The only reason i would not take a 26/30 ovr a 26 is because i have spoken in Depth with Theo Woolet about this and he actually convined three of my mates that were about to do a 26/30 not to. It is not needed. But like you said some peeps wont be convinced. This is a forum and noone will ever be right or wrong.


» CMF Member
Member since:

Went to the latest motorkhana this week with my new skyline. Had a ball although the diff was letting go into a open wheeler every now and then. You will pick that up on the vid. I could get real close to some cones but others i would be really wide on. Enjoy.
Member since:
sikK11 WROTE:

"i Would noy take anything other then a 2j over a 26. But yeah ok you make a very good point i spose. The only reason i would not take a 26/30 ovr a 26 is because i have spoken in Depth with Theo Woolet about this and he actually convined three of my mates that were about to do a 26/30 not to. It is not needed. But like you said some peeps wont be convinced. This is a forum and noone will ever be right or wrong.

haha, only just read this thread, you listened to theo? his car is constantly broken lol. OS RB30 ftw, either that or hks 2.8L kit, have plenty of mates that have done the 2.8L, kick's ass. mines use the 2.8kit, look at their car, looks stocko as under the bonnet and beats just about everything else with t88's and **** hanging of the side of it.