WANTED: white or blue Bulbs for K10 speedo



As the title says i am after ither white or blue bulbs for the speedo in my k10 to replace the horrid green ones that come in there as standard.
RE: WANTED: white or blue LED's for K10 speedo

i aint sure on what kinda leds ur looking for but "maplins" have quite a range of LEDs :p
RE: WANTED: white or blue LED's for K10 speedo

yeah my mate was talking about maplins but i dont think they sell them there.

it the ones that when you take the speedo out theres bulbs inside.

thats probley why there bulbs not LED's.

sorry guys white or blue bulbs that go into the back of the speedo to light it up..

thats what im after cheers
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I believe thos are what you are after mate! Those are what i used on my k10! I think it was 5 i bot, 4 for the speedo's and one for the centre consol where your heater switches and that are! Easy to do and those 501 leds are an exact replacement for the standard bulb! Plus they look good as sidelights too - but off road use only hehehe!

Let us know how you get on!

Daz :alien:
k10daz, chz mate,i wouldnt ming getting some coloured bulbs as my dash is on leds at the moment and they aint to good, good find
Those are leds but they are ultra bright leds, the red ones were fantastic! They last far longer than bulbs and are far less likely to blow! Those ones there are amazing, as i said iv had them as sidelights and they lit up the whole headlight! And theyre nice and cheap too!