WANTED TO BUY - FAN MOTOR for heater/cooler fan


» CMF Member
Member since:
you can disassemble it completly, and wash interior with clother washer shampoo, all dirty come from cooling air return... It will takes you 15 minutes total, and let it dry then assembly back to see if problem solved, take care of carbon which have to be removed gently.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Thanks for the suggestion hi3cmz, but I believe the bearings have failed.

I have pulled the motor out of the plastic housing but can only get access to the bearing at the bottom. It appears to me to be a sealed type bearing, so even if I could free the bearings up a little they may cause me grief again it the not to distant future.

Thanks Bosito who has offerd to sell me a spare one he has that is spinning freely.