Visit from Mipcar


» CMF Member
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Mipcar dropped in yesterday during a weekend run up to Canberra and dropped off the power steering kit which is going to be installed into the white super s.

Unfortunately I was on the way out the door to a ball, but we had a quick chat which was good. Went for a quick spin around the block in bluey.

Thanks for the steering kit Mipcar.

Then I went out to the ball. Drank lots and was quite ill when I returned home at approx 5am today. Damn..! I feel so weak now.

CMF_White Knight

» CMF Member
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Sorry to hear that you were speaking down that big white telepone Cisco !!!
Gee 5 am is a tad late old boy.
Jack hammer headache, mouth that feels like the bottom of a bird cage, fur an inch thick on da tongue and hey you have wiped out a few more brain cells.
Why do we drink??
Plenty of re hydration mate.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Wow you summed up how I feel perfectly!

Yeah just pretty funny. I was into all these double vodka redbulls and malibu and cokes. Downed a heap and was dancing it all off at Minque bar which was pumping (Hey Seano/Evade/Bosito: I've been there before but just didn't know its name, its a great bar/club).

Then after catching the $50 taxi back home out to whoop whoop I deliberately stuck my finger down my throat because I could feel that my head was just going to keep spinning unless I didn't jetison all the alcohol. Once I did that I slept no worries without the spinning head heh.

Off to eat some nice fatty McDonalds now. Why is it you always feel like you need to eat salt and fat after a big night?


» CMF Member
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Yay I still have $20 in my wallet! The drinks at Minque bar were RIDICULOUSLY expensive. The most I've ever paid. If I was smart I wouldn't have bought any. But I'd already ordered the double one before asking the price. Try $16 for a double vodka redbull. OUCH! That was the only one I had.


» CMF Member
Finger down the throat,,, too much information mate.
Well I had a great time, fantastic drive up, sitting on average 120kph, minimal traffic and great weather.

Had a blast in the monster and "Oh Boy", I just gotta get myself one of those.I reckon it must be close to the fastest/smallest accelerating thing I've ever been in, what a blast.

Left Aaron's place and drove down to Cooma for the night. More great roads and little traffic. Had a great meal, then to bed, got woken up at 1am by somebodies horn/alarm going off, stayed on for about 30 mins.

Next morning early start,ice all over the car, cleaned that up then headed off at 7am, not another car on the road, like a 50's disaster movie, for about an hour the Micra was king of the road, open dry and fast motoring, fantastic.

Ran like a charm as usual and now turned over the 260,000 k's.



» CMF Member
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Yay Cooma is nice to visit.

Yeah talk about ice! The ice in Canberra is nothing to what they get in Cooma and Jindy. My dad's EF Falcon got iced over something ridiculous the other night in Jindabyne.

Sounds like you had a nice weekend cruise. I love little trips away like that.

Bummer about timing for the Melb meet mate, its always so impossible to get everyone together on a single date.


» CMF Member
Yeah I know, but damm in my home town as well. But I'd pre-paid for this other rally months ago and only when I re-checked the dates I realised the conflict.
Sorry Dave and everyone.
Also just realised I forgot to give you the copy of the newspaper article with my Micra in it.



» CMF Member
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Lol! Thats ok Mychael.

I live around 2min drive from Cisco and work across the road from where he was partying on down at...

Woe is me?

Seano - TyPiNg In CaPs Iz KoOl!!


» CMF Member
Member since:
Hey I mentioned the up and coming mipcar visit to mighty a week or two ago! :)

Would have been good to have a mini meet up with Mallie and us 3 as well, and the other new Canberra member(s). Next time!